Butch Jones: Thank you to the fans for coming out and creating a game atmosphere. We needed that for our development.
JONES: Everything is about competition. That's how you get better and tomorrow is another big day.
JONES: Todd Kelly Jr. had his best couple of practices. The game is starting to slow down for these younger guys.
JONES: We'll begin looking at our starters on Monday and see who is going to take us out on the field.
JONES: We wanted to do some things to learn how to play with crowd noise and distractions.
JONES: When we started our new third down tradition, that was great for us and gave us energy.
JONES: Feeding off the crowd's energy is what our football team needed.
JONES: This was a two-a-day, we had an intense practice at 9 this morning. It was good to see them come back and show intensity tonight.
JONES: I see great confidence from Justin Worley, taking ownership.
JONES: It was invaluable for our specialists to get reps in front of a crowd like this in pressure situations.
JONES: We did better things tonight, but we're still not where we need to be.
JONES: Josh Malone is a competitor.
JONES: Gaulden has really picked it up. The game is finally starting to slow down. We see him staring to make more and more plays.
JONES: You can never have too many returners, but we'll start to pare it down considerably.