A few notes for those interested...
- attendance was probably 1200-1500 when you count the visitors, staff, people hanging around the court etc.
-impressed by:
Golden- looks a little quicker, the shot looked to be improved, and he showed a nice mid range game. Also some nice explosiveness, had a tomahawk slam coming off a drill.
McRae- I thought he gave more effort than anyone else on the court. When the drill would get to him he'd kind of yell and go get it 110%. His shot has a little more loft, but not much, however he was hitting at a good rate.
Chievous- showed a pretty good shooting stroke, as well as an explosiveness to his game. Very good body and should be more than ready to handle his own.
Dissapointed by:
Richardson: his body has improved some, but the offense seems about the same, and that was what needed the most work, could see Q stealing his minutes.
Hall: looked the same to me as last year, no offense outside of 5 feet, and still very lean.
Everyone else kind of looked like I expected.