Operation Underground Railroad Is a Circus



What's it gonna cost?
Mar 11, 2009
This is crazy. This highly publicized and well-supported operation (they raised $21m in 2019) is involved in questionable tactics like using psychics to try to find missing kids. It seems standard procedure for Ballard to misrepresent their accomplishments, their qualifications, and their intel.

The dude is off his rocker if this is true that he called Gardy's Dad to say his kid is coming home, based off the confidence he has in a psychic.

Keep your money and give it to better enterprises, people.

Inside a Massive Anti-Trafficking Charity's Blundering Overseas Missions
IDK if anybody is following this story, but it's getting nuttier and nuttier. I was documenting it in the thread about the movie but nobody wants to hear about it there. I guess they just want to talk about the cinematography, or whatever.

Well, well, well....Tim Ballard's been kicked out of OUR and denounced by his church. I fkn told you so.

Utah AG's investigation contains records supporting the allegations that Tim Ballard was using a psychic medium to communicate with the dead Mormon prophet Nephi in order to locate missing children.

This is why the church issued a statement. Mormons are weird, but not this weird. VICE reached out for many comments on many occasions from the church, and they finally responded because they were asked about whether or not the apostle Ballard was aware of the Tim Ballard/psychic/Nephi stuff.

This guy (Jimmy Rex) was involved in operations and jives the most with what I believe has been going on. His over-arching points:

1) they needed to stop doing operations the way we were doing them, which is why he quit doing the ops.
2) they saved people.

Other takeaways:

- He changed his mind and now believes raising awareness has been bad for the cause. He thinks that there is a counter-productive element where bad people are becoming more aware this is an opportunity for them to travel and abuse minors. He also says the awareness and growth resulted in the association with QAnon types, which has been counter-productive, too.
- He believes Tim Ballard started with good intent.
- The Federalis loved the help that OUR provided.
- He says it wasn't just grooming and sexual harassment by TB. It was affairs that have broken up families. He knows the victims. These details are going to come out. Tim knows it's going to come out, so why is he pretending it's all false? He used his relationship with a church Apostle to manipulate the women into affairs as Abrahamic tests of faith.
- He was there for the breast touching of the minor (who was not actually a minor, but they thought she was), and it was a very gray area tricky situation.
- He believes the estimates about how rampant trafficking is are very over-stated, based on his experience. Said they were good at finding trafficking and couldn't find anything in half the cities they visited. Went to Mexico City 3x and couldn't find it. He said he's heard 2 million and 8 million estimates...he thinks it's much less. This is great news. He thinks kids are largely being trafficked out of their own homes. Not clubs or public places.
- Out of all the girls they ever rescued, he never got a single update, and he tried to get them.
- He felt like VICE tried to make him look stupid by calling him "just a realtor" but he also admitted that's true.
- People kept on getting kicked out of the org. People Jimmy Rex thought were great guys. Tim would keep the yes men and kick people out if they checked him. He would freak out if he didn't get attention (like he walked out of an event because he wasn't in a photograph somebody presented with people who got saved). He kicked a guy out because he didn't include him on a business deal he wanted in on. Rex got kicked out too, but didn't go into that. He had mostly positive things to say about Tim Ballard, just that the project was too big for him and so was his ego.
- They're no longer doing the ops the way they were. Also great news.


It's funny that the immediate response to TB's opposition and downfall was that it was a conspiracy to take him down, when the truth is probably there was a conspiracy to protect him. Where are my rule of law peeps at?

And if you were thinking, "hey, I think that's Harriet Tubman kneeling before Tim Ballard." you'd be right.

IDK if anybody is following this story, but it's getting nuttier and nuttier. I was documenting it in the thread about the movie but nobody wants to hear about it there. I guess they just want to talk about the cinematography, or whatever.
First time hearing about this. So, It seems Tim Ballard has done some shady things. Here are a few questions for ya:
Did he actually get real results in rescuing abducted children?
Did the hammer drop on him after he implicated Democrats in human trafficking?
What is your take on what is really going on?
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First time hearing about this. So, It seems Tim Ballard has done some shady things. Here are a few questions for ya:
Did he actually get real results in rescuing abducted children?
Did the hammer drop on him after he implicated Democrats in human trafficking?
What is your take on what is really going on?

It sounds like they did some good but also that the good is wildly overstated and it's hard to trust anything with the amount of fraud going on. The trouble is there is little proof of anything and he's been caught in a ton of lies. Even the most basic "facts" like that he worked for the DHS is unproven. People who did ops can't even get information on any of the people they rescued.

Never heard anything about him dropping a hammer on D's. He wasn't doing any domestic work that I know of. Mostly they were just going to 3rd world strip clubs and asking for young women. Dudes were quitting ops because they were just creating the demand for trafficking that probably didn't exist.

My take is he probably set out to do good, didn't really know what he was doing, and his ego got completely out of control. He's a narcissist with delusions of grandeur who thought he could do whatever he wanted.

Dude's in a heap of trouble. He's been kicked out of his own organization. His church ex-communicated him. His allies are abandoning him (some running over him). He's being investigated for fraud. Sued by the women he groomed and harassed. And it all seems completely warranted. Sounds like he's probably taking Utah's AG down with him and who knows who else.
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Dude is gonna take the Mormon church down with him. In addition to this court filing, millionaire Russell Brunson has said the apostle personally introduced him to Tim Ballard.

Well that would be a shame...
.....and Elder Ballard (the apostle) is dead. Conspiracy theorists may run wild with this one.
I thought this was one of the more interesting tweets. I'm not saying they never saved anybody. I have heard people who seem credible say they did do good rescues (and ******** ones). But I don't believe the 7k rescued number at all. How could it be 7k if several women who did the couples ruse with you never saw one rescue? How could it be 7k when your executive assistant never saw a rescue?

I have always been suspicious that Tim Ballard's CIA experience claims were BS. Up until now, there hasn't been any evidence to the contrary.

We have people claiming in a civil suit that his experience consisted of an unpaid internship where he failed a polygraph test for permanent employment.

Even if that's not the real story, the fact that Ballard is deleting his claims about experience from Twitter, etc. is everything you need to know.

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State senator wanted AG Reyes impeached over corruption relating to OUR and Tim Ballard. AG tries to get OUR to file a defamation suit against said state senator over a tweet. This dude was filthy dirty.

FWIW, Reyes now says he believes the women, he's recusing himself, and not running for re-election.

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