Oprah: It is hard accessing health care if you are a rich black celebrity



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Oprah says doctor who misdiagnosed her said she didn't want the legendary talk show host to 'die on me' (msn.com)

Oprah Winfrey spoke out about how medical racism and access to healthcare impacted her own life — including the time a doctor misdiagnosed a thyroid issue that caused heart palpitations.

"And she said, 'What was I gonna do? You're Oprah Winfrey, and I wasn't going to have you die on me without having done everything I thought I could do,'" Winfrey told The Los Angeles Times.

Winfrey said she thought the doctor had acted "irresponsible."

"And I also thought, for the first time, 'I can see now that when you show up and you're a known person, although everybody seems excited to see you, they're also nervous because they've got to also cover themselves,'" Winfrey said.

Winfrey spoke about her experiences as a Black woman when dealing with the healthcare system. The 68-year-old talk show legend said being a celebrity accessing healthcare had its drawbacks, but also its advantages.
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It must be terrible to have to live in a multimillion dollar bunker for 322 days while the res of the world is carrying on...

The interview was partly to promote a documentary Winfrey is producing called "The Color of Care," which tackles racial health inequalities. In the US, racial disparities lead to a lower quality of healthcare and death due to preventable diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people of color and lower-income people were more likely to contract and die from COVID-19.

Winfrey said she was inspired to produce the film after learning of Gary Fowler, a Black man who died on his couch after being rejected from three emergency rooms for COVID-19 symptoms.

Winfrey also revealed during the interview that she had stayed in her home for 322 days straight during the pandemic and will continue to wear masks as a precaution.
I'm not black and I'm not rich so I can't really speak on the accuracy of the article. I'm guessing there isn't a person here who can relate.
Did she really say the Doctor acted “irresponsible”?
You figure someone with Oprah’s public speaking experience would know the difference between adjectives and adverbs and say that the doctor acted “irresponsibly” 🙄
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No, she didn't. I did the 5 minutes of research it took to figure it out.

I actually thought, “How irresponsible [of her] not to have just given me a blood test.” And I also thought, for the first time, “I can see now that when you show up and you’re a known person, although everybody seems excited to see you, they’re also nervous, because they’ve got to also cover themselves.” I keep that in mind anytime I’m going into a new doctor.

A doctor told Oprah to 'embrace hunger.' How it changed her view of medicine forever
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Telling Oparah to fast? I am sure THAT went over well 😂

WOW... just WOW... that got her upset?

I have no qualms about asking all the questions. I was, in the beginning, like your father, believing doctors know more than the rest of us and you don’t want to waste a doctor’s time. After I discovered it was a thyroid problem, I went to a doctor who specialized in thyroids. I’m very much on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and he knows exactly who I am but he goes, “Well, young lady, you are just going to have to embrace hunger, otherwise you’re going to gain a lot a lot of weight.” I did multiple shows [about] people speaking up to their doctors and being able to feel like you are an equal partner with them in securing the best health treatment for yourself. That you need them and they need you to help them understand what’s actually going on with you. That’s the way I look at it now, but in the beginning, I was also intimidated by doctors, like your father.
Oprah says doctor who misdiagnosed her said she didn't want the legendary talk show host to 'die on me' (msn.com)

Oprah Winfrey spoke out about how medical racism and access to healthcare impacted her own life — including the time a doctor misdiagnosed a thyroid issue that caused heart palpitations.

"And she said, 'What was I gonna do? You're Oprah Winfrey, and I wasn't going to have you die on me without having done everything I thought I could do,'" Winfrey told The Los Angeles Times.

Winfrey said she thought the doctor had acted "irresponsible."

"And I also thought, for the first time, 'I can see now that when you show up and you're a known person, although everybody seems excited to see you, they're also nervous because they've got to also cover themselves,'" Winfrey said.

Winfrey spoke about her experiences as a Black woman when dealing with the healthcare system. The 68-year-old talk show legend said being a celebrity accessing healthcare had its drawbacks, but also its advantages.
Poor Orca Winfrey. I think I'll light a candle.

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