Oprah: It is hard accessing health care if you are a rich black celebrity

My thesis: The more money and/or influence you got, the better the Healthcare you get.

My son got a scheduled MRI bumped back a few hours because Ja Morant hurt his leg the night before. (The Grizzlies did make it right and got us seats behind the bench the game Ja came back)

Nice Slice. Didnt know you were a distance runner. Have a lot of random thoughts about some of the posts so far. In no particular order....

Slice ran 3.6 miles. Miles. Burned 456 calories????

There 230 CALORIES in a small 16oz bottle of Mountain Dew. Drink 2 of them by lunch every day for 460 CALORIES. thats zero food ...protein...vitamins. .minerals. Just sugar and caffeine to wake me up. I think 90% of people do not even count these calories when they think of their "diet". Yet a person must run a 5k every single day just to burn them...thanks HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP.

The comment that obesity is inexcusable for the vast majority of people may be true...but damn a man better be the picture of clean living and self denial to utter those words with any intent of defending them. I am 5ft10in and 170lbs. Do not own body fat, and enjoy lifting weights. Am 45. But i have smoked for 30 years. I get in about 5 miles a day fast walking and stairs X a million at work every day....but i couldn't jog 3 miles straight. My lungs currently disallow that. While eating enough food to carry a bunch of extra weight kills you pretty quickly because its bad for your health....know what else is?

1. Alcohol. In excess or not. Causes heart problems, liver damage, and studies now show...Cancer. in ANY AMOUNT of regular consumption. Not just heavy drinkers. Bunch of other health problems too...as well as violence, DUIs, poor decisions, etc etc. So if you drink at all...youre probably a fecking hypocrite for criticizing fat people. Just saying .

2. Smoking. That would be me. Smoke is air that is so fecking dirty that you can SEE IT with the naked eye. To breathe that instead of clean air is very stupid. I do it every single day, and my life is so stressful i have no plans to quit...and i go to the gym 4 days a week on average as well as exercize at work. So smokers have no business throwing shade at fat people.

3. Smoking pot/ other drugs/ EVEN pharmaceutical drugs unless they are directly helping a real physical health condition. Ex: opiates, benzos, antidepressants, and many others we try to pretend dont have serious side effects and addiction just bc they were prescribed once at least by a DR...to someone anyway, or you. Youre killing yourself just as surely as obesity, just in a different way. Consequences and hurt to others just the same. I have been here myself also. Its ugly, and addiction to a bottle of pills is in no way different from addiction to cocaine, alcohol, weed (mental at a minimum) sex, or anything else. Youre a fecking slave to it....not them to you....and if you havent figured that oyt yet then you still have a long and painful journey coming for BOTH yourself and anyone who truly cares enough to stick around....which will not be many. if anyone .

Just 3 examples of the top of my head, which i have personally been guilty of and bet many here fall into at least 1. There are many more. I guess it just really boils down to (in this skinny but strong little bastards opinion) .....that unless you are a person without ANY BAD HABITS that willfully damage your body, mind, soul/relationship with God, relations with others....you really shouldnt go around pointing out that other folks obesity/smoking/drinking/pills/PORN/vice is inexcusable. While it likely is ...bet certain aspects of you and your lifestyle are pretty fecking inexcusable too. There is nothing wrong with facts or truth...nothing wrong with calling a sin by its name. Theres a bunch wrong with being a judgmental dick though. Or a hypocrite. I do not know any perfect people. Only 1 has ever lived. Ever. None of us will have any excuses when we meet him and his Dad in person either. Until then we should probably work more on ourselves and not criticize others much IMO.

* Slice knows this isnt directed at him personally. Hes a great dude. This post isnt directed at you personally either....regardless of who you are . Just a general thought stuck in my mind based on several comments that i read here and my experiences in life so far. Best wishes and Go Vols
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