Starting Left Tackle, (you know, the one the Vols have been hurting for) for OU.. Ready and bags packed to come to Knoxville only to be stopped by UT Admissions.. He qualified per NCAA and SEC requirements but not by Jimmy Cheeks admission system! Enrolled immediately at OU and began practice on day 1. Jimmy Cheek came to Knoxville about 9 years ago and look at where UT athletics have gone... Am I the only person who has a problem with a kid qualifying to play anywhere in the power 5 conferences not being allowed in UT because of Jimmy Cheeks different admission standards at UT?
Think the Vols could have used Orlando Brown? He WANTED TO PLAY AT TENNESSEE!! He qualified to go to ,any NCAA school he wanted to that uses NCAA standards.. IE Bama, Aub, UGA,Fla, Mich, Mich St, Clemson, Okla, USC, UCLA, Texas AM etc.....