I'll give you this..... as much as I dislike that arrogant, classless prick of a coach you have, the guy is a good coach. He's been able to do something that virtually no other Vandy coach has been able to do in your program's pathetic history.....actually not roll over and play dead vs teams they should have a chance to beat.
You guys went 4-0, barely, vs the disgraceful OOC schedule that you had...congrats.
Next you beat the worst, most injury plagued Florida team (by the time you played them) since 1979....a 4 win Florida team. Yes, I know one of the wins was vs UT, we'll address that in a minute.
Then you beat another injury-plagued team who also had their best pass rusher wrongly ejected from the game. Add to that a turnover by a freshman rb fairly deep in Georgia territory and punter who gave you yet another ridiculously short field.....wa la, you have your "signature" win vs Georgia.
Now, I'll give Franklin credit here. In Vandy's past, they'd have lost the games vs Florida and Georgia. However, the good fortune bestowed on you guys that made it possible for you to win vs these 2 teams was nothing short of miraculous. Franklins team was very opportunistic.... when both Florida and Georgia continually gave you short fields, you guys actually took advantage. Vandy, uncharacteristically, didn't act like the pansy ass losers you've always been, they actually, under Snakehead's leadership, went out and found a way to win those games.
Let's see how you did vs the better teams on your schedule. Ole miss, 7-5 team, you lost at home. TexasA&M?.... Blown out. Mizzou? Blown out. S Carolina.... Blown out, down 28-0 early until they clearly let off the gas.
Speaking of schedules. How did you guys do vs Alabama and Auburn? What? You didn't play either of those guys?
Finally, you beat Tennessee. A very bad Tennessee team, struggling to find its way, playing its 3rd-4th string freshman QB who couldn't pass a kidney stone, especially after he lost UTs best, most productive WR (a true freshman WR btw). And it took 2 plays, an inconsequential block in the back that overturned what would've been the game winning UT touchdown and a reply reversal where the officials blatantly disregarded the rule stating they must have conclusive evidence to overturn the call on the field.
I'll say it again. I know you're not used to how things work because you're not used to winning programs as a Vandy fan. But things are about to change. Tennessee has a talent problem that is getting fixed at a very fast rate. Last year Vandy's final Rivals class rank was #21, UT's was only a notch or two higher..... virtually the same. This year, Vandy sits around #25 with 3-4 4 stars, UT is #2 currently with around 17-18 4 stars and a couple 5 stars. Approximately 40%of UT's roster will turn over this year. Poor, slow players with a defeatist attitude will be gone, replaced with very good to elite players, very fast players who know nothing but winning.
So your time at Vandy has come and it is nearly gone. Just for giggles, I'll even give you one more year of success vs UT. I'll actually give you the 2014 game. Write it down.... I think Vandy beats UT in 2014....But 2015 and as far as the eye can see into the future, Vandy is gonna absolutely get it's candy ass handed to it by the state school .... just as it has always been and should always be.