Enforceable by who and by what means????
Seeing that I've passed the Tennessee BAR Exam and have a License to Practice Law, I'm familiar with Show Cause Orders.
Point - NCAA is not a Court of Law and you do not know what would happen if an institution ignored one, aside from incurring further penalty from the governing organization in which UT is a voluntary member.
(Opinion) If the NCAA gave a penalty that "shocked the conscience" by virtue of UT NOT firing Pearl, you think at worse a lawsuit wouldn't be filed, or at best, NCAA wouldn't lose even MORE credibility? At the end of the day, the only thing the NCAA has is its credibility. If they lose that on a broad scale, watch member institutions pack up and exit stage right. It's always about $$$$$$$!! Another private governing institution would form to take it's place.
Furthermore, NCAA is not a Court of Law and even if they were, unless they are a party to Coach Pearl's contract, they have zero authority to terminate him. (Why don't you read up on Contract Law)
If Pearl doesn't get banned for 1 to 2 years as you suggest, would you be willing to leave this site for the aforementioned time period?
Only Mike Hamilton and the UT powers that be will determine Coach Pearl's future at Tennessee.
Political Reality: If Hammy has to terminate Pearl, he's likely finished as well. And that, like your first post, is an (OPINION.)
Bottom line: Your guess is as good as anyone else's and you have too much time on your hands if you're able to post as much as you do.
1. A show-cause order requires the university and individual to show-cause why they should be allowed to coach, enforced in much the same way they can declare players ineligible for events;
2. Every coach or person I know of every cited for unethical conduct has received a show-cause order for the NCAA. Here's a listing of just some examples, which range from lying to cover up really bad conduct (like paying for a player's family to go to games or academic fraud) to lying to cover up minor conduct (like practice violations). They only had 1 thing in common -- lying earned them a show cause order.
Todd Bozeman: Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct charge. 8-year show-cause order.
Clem Haskins: Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct charge. 7-year show-cause order.
Dave Bliss: Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct charge. 10-year show-cause order.
Kelvin Sampson: Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct charge. 5-year show-cause order.
Kathy Bull: Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct charge. 3-year show cause order.
Dustin Ashby: Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct charge. 3-year show cause order.
Beau Archibald: Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct charge. 2-year show cause order.
Regan Adams. Unethical conduct. 2-year show cause order.
FSU Academic Advisor. Unethical conduct. 5-year show cause order.
FSU Tutor. Unethical conduct. 4-year show cause order.
Scott Edgar. Lying to NCAA. Unethical conduct. 3-year show cause order.
Georgia Southern Assistant Coach. Lied to NCAA. Unethical conduct. 5-year show cause order.
Jake Irby. Unethical conduct. 3-year show cause order.
Central Oklahoma head coach. unethical conduct. 2-year show cause order.
I know of NO coach cited for unethical conduct who was both allowed to stay at that program and did not receive a show-cause order.