Our o line...

We averaged 4.7 yards per carry. The O-line was completely dominating Oregon's D-line.

The problem was that Oregon moved a bunch of guys up into the box to stop the run. And Worley never showed that he could take advantage and throw the deep ball. Can't blame this one on the O-line; they played great.

It would be interesting to look at ypc in the first half. Oregon's front seven is legit.
I mentioned this in another thread too...

Going into this year, local football pundits predicted that this year, Oregon would have its best D-line EVER, with 5 star recruit Arik Armstead in his second year expected to be unstoppable.

Prior to this game I was looking forward to the matchup of our supposed greatest ever (for Oregon) D-line vs Tenn supposed 4/5 going to the NFL O-line.

What did I see?
In the first quarter I saw our D-line manhandled by your O-line.
Then through adjustments, or just a complete lack of a credible passing threat allowing our safeties and LB's to help out, I saw us shut down your running game.

Some interesting factioids.
Oregon had ZERO sacks, and ZERO tackles for loss!

That speaks very well about your O-line.
Your O-line got people to the line of scrimmage, but our speedy LBs and Safeties got there soon after to limit the yardage. Once we got a big lead, we did not care if you got 4 yards a rush.

Also, as I have said in 3 threads so far, do not underestimate the handicap of traveling 3 time zones on Friday to play on Saturday. In particular, timezone fatigue will affect 320 lb offensive linemen more than smaller players.

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