Sorry man, I meant on that one drive. We were in the pistol with quick outs and our rb's hitting the line of scrimmage hard and fast. Worley didn't read option at all. Was a beautiful drive, and he never got touched by a defender. If you just watch the last 8 minutes of the 2nd qtr, then watch our first possession in the third that is what I am talking about, it's like night and day from the read option.. We had some plays where all recievers run a straight go pattern with the rb going toward the sideline and no one in the middle. Another play our wr on the right side ran a 8 yard hook route and was right beside each other. And 5 yards apart. Another play when the ball was knocked away by a defender, we had two wr standing on the 40, not the line, the actual number 40. 2 yards apart. I dont like it, but what do I know. Just giving you things to look for. Count the seconds from snap till our rb hits line of scrimmage also if you do watch. Then please call me out if I am wrong.