Out of Shadows, Into the Light, and an Introduction to 5th Gen Warfare.

5d chess is like a meme, or allegory, so I guess in that sense it falls under "ordinance". :D But no that is not what 5GW is about. It's about using social media, pharmaceuticals, data, survelliance etc to subvert, control, and invade countries without firing a shot. It's weapons of all types targeting your mind. It's Nazi like Ghettos, with invisable walls and watch towers and social credit as your papers that keep people afraid without being obvious. It's ALSO spreading the ideals of freedom, free markets in tyrannies, to wake their people up. It's exposing the crimes of secret cabals. It's warning people when they are in danger. 5GW isn't good or bad in itself, like every other generation of warfare it is merely a toolset, but it is the current preffered method of warfare around the planet having replaced to some extent the proxy wars of the cold war, with both state sponsored and private sponsored groups. (this is a big change because now private entities can take part in warfare on the level with state actors) Both White hats and Black hats ( Gray hats?) will make use. People who are unaware will not understand when they are under threat. The purpose of the above is to wake civilians up to the fact this generation of warfare exists, it's history, and that all of us are on a hot battlefield, aware or not. We have our 5GW warriors too.

It can not be understated how big this is in the modern militaries.


Their targets are not simply military, the targets are mainly civilian populations.
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Boone Cutler is an Iraq War veteran who worked in psyops he has a previous book "Callsign Voodoo" that breaks down his day to day job in psyops in Iraq, and how psyops were applied to the local population. Remember that Psyops and 5th Gen warfare is neither good or evil, rather a new form of warfare in which all the different sides are now currently engaged. If you want to break down "Clown World" and what is happening this is basically a military manual written for civilians on how to understand. You are being targeted on TV, Social media, video games, music, your shopping websites, EVERYTHING you touch that is media is breaking you down into a psychological profile to be targeted and manipulated. More over now thanks to AI it is ALL coordinated and individually adjusted to YOU. This is a manual to understand the process, and what those in the various world psyop organizations already know. You can't defend yourself, when you do not even know how you are under attack, and you have no voice if you can't speak the same language as others


His Book on 5GW
View attachment 569449
On Amazon at B0BN79NWZF

You lost me at 'Michael T. Flynn'
Quite a bit of discussion on 5GW in this video interview....well maybe not "a lot", but when he mentions on AI targeting profiles with American Flags etc,a nd the nature of it's use.

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Clown world and 5 GW are similar but seperate topics. Which is why I made a seperate thread, ..but it's your board do as you will.
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