gsvol, your criticisms of the types of researchers involved in the IPCC is only exposing your lack of understanding of what the IPCC research was. Who better to determine what the effects of certain conditions on society than social scientists? Who better to determine the possible effects on ecosystems than biologists and the like?
I understand what the IPCC study was, whether you do or not, a rubber stamp for the UN iniatiive to gain more political and economic control over the nations of the world.
You certainly don't understand the history of eco-politics.
Congress is spending ridiculous amounts of money, leftists around the world are trying to lose the war against Islamofascism, and Al Gore is warning about how global warming "would bring a screeching halt to human civilization and threaten the fiber of life everywhere on the earth."
Gore, the comedic gift who just keeps on giving, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday
while a winter storm walloped the Beltway.
He said that if immediate government action is not taken to combat greenhouse gas emissions, the world would end in a giant fireball.
"If we stopped global greenhouse gas emissions today, according to some scientists ... we would [still] see an increase in temperatures that many scientists believe would be extremely challenging for civilization," Gore testified. "If we continue at today's levels, some scientists have said it can be an increase of up to 11 degrees Fahrenheit."
Gore further warned of "climate refugees" if nothing is done.
Ask yourself what would dissuade you from dismissing global climate change, or possible human involvement in it. If you come up with nothing, then that shows a lot about where your opinion of the matter is based (or rather not based).
The history of Earth's climate.
The World 18,000 Years Ago
Before "global warming" started 18,000 years ago most of the earth was a frozen and arid wasteland. Over half of earth 's surface was covered by glaciers or extreme desert. Forests were rare.
Not a very fun place to live.
Our Present World
"Global warming" over the last 15,000 years has changed our world from an ice box to a garden. Today extreme deserts and glaciers have largely given way to grasslands, woodlands, and forests.
Wish it could last forever, but . . . .
Top ten problems for America, PEW research center:
For myself, what would dissuade me from considering humans a likely factor in climate change? A continued cooling trend for the next 15 or 20 years that returned us to global temperature levels of the 70's would certainly change my stance. If the polar ice caps returned to their more typical summer extent of the last 60 years, in the coming years rather than nearly disappearing as they currently do, that would cause me to reconsider.
Listen, I am a veteran, I have been through this before!!
Ice age??
As little as 30 years ago the talk wasnt
about global warming, it was about an
imminent ice age.
Is an ice age likely?
Even possible?
Consider this: There have been more than
20 glacial advances, or ice ages, in just the
last two million years.
And we know from geological evidence that
each glaciation lasted anywhere from 20,000
to 100,000 yearsno one knows why the
separated by warm periods that
last some 10,000 to 15,000 years.
What we can be reasonably sure of is that
were now in one of the warm periods, and
this one is already 13,000 years old.
Some scientists think its at an end and a
new ice age is about to begin.
No one really knows what causes ice ages.
Theories abound.
They include perturbations in the earths orbit,
changes in ocean currents, the earth periodically
passing through galactic dust that obscures the
sun, variations in the suns energy output,
changes in continental positions, uplift of
continental blocks,
reduction of CO2 in the
atmosphere, etc.
Evidence or experiment may eventually resolve
which of the theories wins out, or it may turn
out that a combination of theories are true.
It may even be that none of the current theories
proves satisfactory and some entirely new theory
ultimately explains their cause.
But what is certain is how they take place.
It was once common wisdom to believe that
the advent of an ice age took place over
centuries or even millennia, and that they
ended the same way.
It was thought that the changes were so slow
that, if people were around to witness them,
each generation would hardly notice any change.
If the next glaciation were to come on slowly,
and we recognized it as the beginning of an
ice age, maybe there would be time for
civilization to adjust: to begin food storage,
to develop crop hybrids that will endure shorter
growing seasons, to move populations, factories,
and technologythe core of our civilization
into southern climates, etc.
But we now have evidence that ice ages
come on with an abruptness that will catch
us by total surprise.
Physical evidence indicates that when the
last ice age started, the
British Isles went
from a temperate climate to being completely
covered with glaciers hundreds of feet thick
in just 20 years.
Do scientists think itll happen that way again?
Yes. And if the next ice age starts heres how
it may occur: At first we wouldnt even realize
it, so the first few years wed feel we were just
having one or two bad winters.
But after a few years rivers will freeze all-year
-round, snow from the previous years wont
completely melt, glaciers will begin to form,
and some of what is currently now the worlds
most fertile ground will become unfarmable.
Countries bordering on both sides of the
Atlantic will change radically as a result
of changes in the Gulf Stream, and Europe,
which today is almost 20 degrees warmer
than other parts of the world at the same
latitude, will become as cold and dry as
The Sahara may again become forested while
the Amazon basin becomes a desert. Florida
may also become a desert, as it was in a
previous ice age.
At the same time, if the climate changes
enough to disturb the monsoon season that
fuels agriculture from Africa to China, where
over half the worlds six billion people now
live, hundreds of millions will starve when
the climate abruptly changes.
Theres no way to prepare them for that.
Canadian and Russian wheat will fail
completely. American agriculture, on
which much of the world depends, will
be scaled back by shorter growing seasons.
Not only will we not have enough food for
export, we wont be able to grow enough
to sustain even our own current population.
And jobs? Factories will close, service
businesses will disappear, stocked
supermarkets will become a thing of
the past.
Get ready for your standard of living to drop
like a rock while you and your kin go hungry.
How far will the ice fields extend?
In North America they will most likely reach
as far south as present day Chicago.
But they may go further.
And this isnt going to be some picture
postcard winter landscape. At the height
of the last ice age, the ice fields covering
much of North America were up to two
miles thick.
So, expect the great northern cities, such
as New York, Boston, Detroit, Toronto,
Montreal, etc., to be swept away before
advancing glaciers.
In the meantime, sea levels will drop and
more of the continental shelves will be exposed.
Youll be able to walk from Siberia to Alaska,
from California to the Channel Islands, from
Britain to France, from Australia to New Guinea.
But when is this really all likely to happen?
Because no one knows what causes ice ages,
theres no way to forecast when the next one
will start, how bad it will be, or what effect
the (allegedly man-made) global warming
taking place today will have on it.
We cant tell whether it will be less severe
than the last one, when the ice sheets only
extended as far south as Wisconsin, or as
bad as some of the glaciations of half a
billion years ago when ice sheets formed
all the way to the equator.
Although this latter scenario is unlikely, no
one can be sure. But if it does, kiss the
human race good-bye.
What seems fairly certain is that we will
go from the world as it is today to full-blown
glaciation in less than 20 years, maybe in as
little as four or five. And there is no way the
United States can adjust to and survive a
climate change this abrupt.
Can we stop it?
We cant even stop a single snow storm.
Imagine trying to stop an ice age thats
going to go on for tens of thousands of