Overhyped Freshman

burn this thread!!! too much support of bama in it!!!!!! :banghead:

I really do not like to think of any young man being a bust at all. Some of this kids mature faster than others and are just not able to reach that next level. Others come into college and mature and get better. Some have better work ethics also and work very hard in learning and strengthing their bodies. Comes easy for some in high school and harder than they think at the next level. :bow:
he did so well that the tradition just passed along to all the coaches that followed him
i think its funny when yall are always talking about how everyone gives us no respect and bama fans and other schools fans say were the worst trash talkers and then yall turn around and keep doing it. and you wonder why espn and other schools dont like us.
like we're the only ones that talk trash? every premier team in america talks trash lol....usc, tennessee, oklahoma, texas, auburn, florida.....we're just 1 of 117 in division 1-A that do lol :bash: ESPN picks on us because they think of us as a bunch of redneck hillbillies with no electricity......some people in california actually think that we ride is horse and buggies
the bammers bringh that on themselves with all this "Fulmer ruined our team" BS , they got caught cheating so deal with it, Bear Bryant had a great career but even Bama fans knew that he was a hard-nosed SOB that would do ANYTHING to win, does that make him the greatest ever sorry but IMO (sorry it differs from yours) he was not, and I for one have never gone to another teams website and talked any trash but we've been raided by chowder heads from almost every team we have played, and besides that its just talk what the hell did you expect when you make a statement like that here? ok ranting is over now back to our regularly scheduled program.

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