OWH's Topic That Will Never Die XXIII

The bad news: I have significant loss of cartilage in both hips.
The worse news: I am bone-on-bone at one point of my right hip.
Prescribed: PT and a 24-hour NSAID to reduce inflammation.
The future: how much pain/immobility am I willing to endure before electing surgery?
The future future: When will Medicare be curtailed for me due to lack of funding or legislation?
I’ve some things to think about…
The bad news: I have significant loss of cartilage in both hips.
The worse news: I am bone-on-bone at one point of my right hip.
Prescribed: PT and a 24-hour NSAID to reduce inflammation.
The future: how much pain/immobility am I willing to endure before electing surgery?
The future future: When will Medicare be curtailed for me due to lack of funding or onlegislation?
I’ve some things to think about…

Really sorry to hear that... My step-dad is going through the same thing with bone on bone with regards to his hips and the cartilage. Prayers to you for relief ,my friend 🙏 I'm looking forward to the day my step-dad has some.
This seems contrary to every lick of sense in the world, but apparently hip replacement surgery (when it’s not for a fracture etc.) is less painful and has a quicker recovery time than does knee replacement surgery.

A family acquaintance (a surgeon on his feet all day long) had both hips replaced in the same surgery and bounced back very quickly, and he was in his 60’s at the time.
The bad news: I have significant loss of cartilage in both hips.
The worse news: I am bone-on-bone at one point of my right hip.
Prescribed: PT and a 24-hour NSAID to reduce inflammation.
The future: how much pain/immobility am I willing to endure before electing surgery?
The future future: When will Medicare be curtailed for me due to lack of funding or legislation?
I’ve some things to think about…
I can relate with triple bypass 3 years ago. Feeling fine today. Roseanne Rosanna Danna nailed it:


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