Paul Ryan

If the liberals sense that and he's genuine... watch for the attacks to begin soon. Liberals learned their lesson with Reagan. Any rising star in the conservative movement will be subject to a "kill it before it grows up" strategy. Palin has seen it. Jindal has seen it. Huckabee has seen it. Bachmann has seen it in spades.

A conservative idealist with both courage of conviction and convincing charisma... is something the left cannot risk.
If the liberals sense that and he's genuine... watch for the attacks to begin soon. Liberals learned their lesson with Reagan. Any rising star in the conservative movement will be subject to a "kill it before it grows up" strategy. Palin has seen it. Jindal has seen it. Huckabee has seen it. Bachmann has seen it in spades.

A conservative idealist with both courage of conviction and convincing charisma... is something the left cannot risk.

Not sure I would insult Paul Ryan by dumping him in with Palin, Huckabee, and Bachmann.
If the liberals sense that and he's genuine... watch for the attacks to begin soon. Liberals learned their lesson with Reagan. Any rising star in the conservative movement will be subject to a "kill it before it grows up" strategy. Palin has seen it. Jindal has seen it. Huckabee has seen it. Bachmann has seen it in spades.

A conservative idealist with both courage of conviction and convincing charisma... is something the left cannot risk.

Sadly it's considered good politics now.
If the liberals sense that and he's genuine... watch for the attacks to begin soon. Liberals learned their lesson with Reagan. Any rising star in the conservative movement will be subject to a "kill it before it grows up" strategy. Palin has seen it. Jindal has seen it. Huckabee has seen it. Bachmann has seen it in spades.

A conservative idealist with both courage of conviction and convincing charisma... is something the left cannot risk.

He said last night on Greta's show that some Dems have told him they like his plan but can't support it due to the political environment.

He has got a great shot at being POTUS, maybe not in 2012 but one day for sure. Jindal is great also.
A lot of nice and speculative rhetoric. Not much substance or particulars.

Do what? Did you even read the part about health care?

There is far more "substance and particulars" on that one site than we got from the Dems the whole last election cycle. In practice, the substance and particulars of the Dems gave us a massive health care bill that no one read. Worse yet, it contained caveats that allowed the Admin to mislead people about the intrusions on personal liberty, costs, and tax increases.
Not sure I would insult Paul Ryan by dumping him in with Palin, Huckabee, and Bachmann.

Case in point. What specifically about the ideals of these people or even their character do you have a problem with?

Most people who have a low view of them have bought into intentional smear campaigns.
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Case in point. What specifically about the ideals of these people or even their character do you have a problem with?

Most people who have a low view of them have bought into intentional smear campaigns.

Sadly a lot of people have bought into the smears and lies laid out by the liberal media.
Case in point. What specifically about the ideals of these people or even their character do you have a problem with?

Most people who have a low view of them have bought into intentional smear campaigns.

Bachmann is still ok in my book. However, I've never liked Huckabee as a politician. I like his Paul Harvey-esque radio show and watched his TV show a couple of times, but I don't think he's Presidential material.

I'm just over Palin. IMO, I think it's more about her now and not about her ideas and such. Right or wrong it is how I view her. Tebow-fatigue if you will.

IMO Jindal and possibly Ryan are on another total level of the up-and-comers in the GOP in my book that the other three.
Case in point. What specifically about the ideals of these people or even their character do you have a problem with?

Most people who have a low view of them have bought into intentional smear campaigns.

I'll take a shot:

1) Palin - okay with core philosophy and not as dumb as portrayed but her bonafides aren't that strong and she doesn't show real leadership potential. Very polarizing.

2) Huckabee - too socially conservative (including religious focus) for me and track record shows not fiscally conservative enough for me. Best of this bunch though in terms of qualifications and experience.

3) Bachmann - basically Palin-lite.

I would put Jindahl and Ryan in the same group. Either seems capable and show the practical smarts for the job. Also, both focus on the right kind of conservatism IMHO and leave the social stuff off the table.

Both are likely too young in their careers to be good 2012 contenders.

Mitch Daniels is appealing but his lack of charisma is tough for elections (although he would be an interesting contrast to Obama in 2012 and I bet voters would be okay with bland after "soaring rhetoric" and what that translated into.)
I'll take a shot:

1) Palin - okay with core philosophy and not as dumb as portrayed but her bonafides aren't that strong and she doesn't show real leadership potential. Very polarizing.

2) Huckabee - too socially conservative (including religious focus) for me and track record shows not fiscally conservative enough for me. Best of this bunch though in terms of qualifications and experience.

3) Bachmann - basically Palin-lite.

I would put Jindahl and Ryan in the same group. Either seems capable and show the practical smarts for the job. Also, both focus on the right kind of conservatism IMHO and leave the social stuff off the table.

Both are likely too young in their careers to be good 2012 contenders.

Mitch Daniels is appealing but his lack of charisma is tough for elections (although he would be an interesting contrast to Obama in 2012 and I bet voters would be okay with bland after "soaring rhetoric" and what that translated into.)

I have wondered about him, I don't know much about him but have heard great things.
Case in point. What specifically about the ideals of these people or even their character do you have a problem with?

Most people who have a low view of them have bought into intentional smear campaigns.

Huckabee - All he says Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus I'm a Christian. He has little substance and I disagree with most social conservatism. He also plays guitar on a gay cable show on Fox.

Palin - Quit her job as Governor of Alaska, before her term was over to go across the country and give speeches. All she will ever be in my eyes is a quitter. If she couldn't handle the press as Gov. of Alaska she shouldn't have any dreams of being President.

Bachmann - Joe Biden with girl parts.

As far as Ryan and Jindel go, I like both of them fine.
A lot of nice and speculative rhetoric. Not much substance or particulars.

you actually said that crap after having voted for and defended, in earnest, the idiot that currently resides in the White House. Good Lord.
Huckabee - All he says Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus I'm a Christian. He has little substance and I disagree with most social conservatism. He also plays guitar on a gay cable show on Fox.
So you just legitimized a religious test for office, right? I thought the country overcame that with JFK. It is OK to be religious as long as you aren't serious about it, correct?... But then again you have no problem with Obama attending a church that teaches liberation theology for 20 years?

Other than abortion which is a human rights issue not a social/moral issue... would you mind specifying how Huckabee has tried to use force of gov't to take someone's freedom away from the way you've suggested his religious expression should be suppressed?

Palin - Quit her job as Governor of Alaska, before her term was over to go across the country and give speeches. All she will ever be in my eyes is a quitter. If she couldn't handle the press as Gov. of Alaska she shouldn't have any dreams of being President.
Fine and dandy... but what does that have to do with her views?

Bachmann - Joe Biden with girl parts.
That is a pretty ridiculous assertion that I'd like to see backed up.
Very polarizing.
Only because she unapologetically states beliefs that are contrary to about 90% of the MSM. There is very little polarizing about what she believes IMHO. Are we really demanding people who don't speak with absolute conviction on the right? Liberals speak with absolute conviction and get praised for it by the press... so the sheep think it must be OK. Let a Palin or someone from the right do it and suddenly they are rightly objects of ridicule.

2) Huckabee - too socially conservative (including religious focus) for me and track record shows not fiscally conservative enough for me. Best of this bunch though in terms of qualifications and experience.
So basically a person cannot be honest about their own personal religious convictions and make a good candidate?

I have heard him say on numerous occasions that he would protect the rights of those who disagreed with him on religious and social issues. IMO, he's far more trustworthy in that regard than Obama.

I would tend to agree on the fiscal part.
I would put Jindahl and Ryan in the same group. Either seems capable and show the practical smarts for the job. Also, both focus on the right kind of conservatism IMHO and leave the social stuff off the table.
Why? Why is it OK for the left to put their "social stuff" on the table but not the right?

FTR, I am libertarian politically and personally conservative. I think people have an absolute right to behave according to their own conscience so long as they do not harm others. Where I get off is when they then turn around and want official endorsement or want gov't to use my taxes to pay the consequences of their decisions/choices.

I would register Libertarian if it weren't for their abortion stand. I believe abortion should be illegal but not for moral reasons. Many things are immoral but should not be illegal. It should be illegal because it violates a person's right to live... the most fundamental right.
FTR, I don't particularly like to hear Palin speak. She has a really annoying voice.
So you just legitimized a religious test for office, right? I thought the country overcame that with JFK. It is OK to be religious as long as you aren't serious about it, correct?... But then again you have no problem with Obama attending a church that teaches liberation theology for 20 years?

I think you are overstating it here. Huckabee is a strong social conservative and does reference his faith quite a bit to justify his positions. He's entitled to do so and it doesn't disqualify him. I personally don't agree with his social conservatism so I'm not a big fan. It's no different than not preferring Obama due to his social justice bent.

Only because she unapologetically states beliefs that are contrary to about 90% of the MSM. There is very little polarizing about what she believes IMHO. Are we really demanding people who don't speak with absolute conviction on the right? Liberals speak with absolute conviction and get praised for it by the press... so the sheep think it must be OK. Let a Palin or someone from the right do it and suddenly they are rightly objects of ridicule.

So basically a person cannot be honest about their own personal religious convictions and make a good candidate?

I have heard him say on numerous occasions that he would protect the rights of those who disagreed with him on religious and social issues. IMO, he's far more trustworthy in that regard than Obama.

I would tend to agree on the fiscal part.
Why? Why is it OK for the left to put their "social stuff" on the table but not the right?

FTR, I am libertarian politically and personally conservative. I think people have an absolute right to behave according to their own conscience so long as they do not harm others. Where I get off is when they then turn around and want official endorsement or want gov't to use my taxes to pay the consequences of their decisions/choices.

I would register Libertarian if it weren't for their abortion stand. I believe abortion should be illegal but not for moral reasons. Many things are immoral but should not be illegal. It should be illegal because it violates a person's right to live... the most fundamental right.

You asked what was wrong the candidates. I told you my opinion and accuse me of not supporting people who speak with conviction. If you saw my support for Paul Ryan you would know that accusation is wrong.

Palin has made her recent career out of direct attacks on Dems without doing much at all to offer real and substantial solutions. Paul Ryan is the opposite. I prefer the latter and would say that the former is clearly polarizing by approach.

Huckabee is a nice, accomplished, thoughtful guy. I just don't share the same views with him on conservatism.

Bachmann hasn't really impressed me and has taken more of the Palin route of attacking without much in the way providing real leadership or concrete solutions. She just recently said that if the Rs win the House they will do nothing but attempt to repeal what has been done in the last 2 years. I'm all for repealing some of that stuff but you've got to bring solutions too.
So you just legitimized a religious test for office, right? I thought the country overcame that with JFK. It is OK to be religious as long as you aren't serious about it, correct?... But then again you have no problem with Obama attending a church that teaches liberation theology for 20 years?

Other than abortion which is a human rights issue not a social/moral issue... would you mind specifying how Huckabee has tried to use force of gov't to take someone's freedom away from the way you've suggested his religious expression should be suppressed?

Fine and dandy... but what does that have to do with her views?

That is a pretty ridiculous assertion that I'd like to see backed up.

I told you why I think all three are nuts. I vote for the people that I believe most closely represent my beliefs. When I start driving around with a crucifix sticking out the top of my car I might vote Huckabee, if I want to vote for Empty Suit 2.0 I'll vote Palin, or if I want to vote for a walking sound byte machine I'll go with Bachman.

Any of the three would be a turrible choice IMHO.
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