Paul Ryan

Everyone's worldview informs their opinions. Huckabee is honest about his... and it is one that promotes tolerance, individual freedom, and personal responsibility. If you are socially liberal... you would have little to worry about from Huckabee trying to use gov't to suppress you.
I told you why I think all three are nuts. I vote for the people that I believe most closely represent my beliefs.
That's what we all should do once we inform ourselves... but that simply doesn't make them nuts. All three have been subject to brutal character assassination by the MSM.
When I start driving around with a crucifix sticking out the top of my car I might vote Huckabee, if I want to vote for Empty Suit 2.0 I'll vote Palin, or if I want to vote for a walking sound byte machine I'll go with Bachman.

Any of the three would be a turrible choice IMHO.

There has NEVER been nor probably could be a more empty suit than the one currently residing at 1600 Penn Ave. The guy is completely unqualified for the job from a leadership and management standpoint regardless of whether you agree with his policies or not.

Why would you need to drive around with a crucifix to vote for Huckabee? You STILL aren't dealing with tangible facts and evidence. Huckabee would NOT be the boogey man coming to prevent whatever "sinful" activity you legally enjoy now. In fact, because he is a believer in the American principles of individual rights, liberties, and responsibilities... YOU would have much less to fear from him than Obama. MH doesn't believe in the power or wisdom of gov't to run your life. Obama does.

You fear the wrong side.
Huckabee is a nice, accomplished, thoughtful guy. I just don't share the same views with him on conservatism.

Can you be more specific?

I can tell you as a personally conservative guy... that if our Constitutional property, press, religious, conscience (to include education of children apart from state control), association, etc rights were restored then I would have no problem with much of what is considered "socially liberal"... up and until the point where my tax dollars were used to rescue people from the consequences of their freely made choices.

For example, I have a sister in law who is a burn out. She's ruined her mind and health abusing prescription and illicit drugs and alcohol. She went to a state clinic that gave her full disability for being manic depressant and OCD... AFTER a gov't program paid for her as a single mom to go to school for psychology... She knew how to fake it and her burned out mind made it easier.

IMO, she has every right to drink and drug to her heart's content. She does NOT have a right to be supported by tax payers when the consequences catch up to her. Can/should people try to help people like her? I think so. But gov't programs don't help or correct the behavior... they subsidize it while confiscating wealth from those who work and keep their noses clean.
Trump calls 'weak and clueless' Paul Ryan a 'curse on Republicans' and says it's ironic he's lecturing GOP on how to win elections in statement blaming him for Fox News shedding 'millions' of viewers

  • Paul Ryan said GOP was at a 'crossroads' during address at Reagan library
  • He warned the party it would not move forward if it depended on the 'populist appeal of one personality'
  • Ryan's attack made no difference to Senate Republicans who blocked plans for a 9/11-style commission to investigate Jan. 6 attack
Donald Trump described former House Speaker Paul Ryan as 'a curse to the Republican Party' after Ryan waded into the GOP's civil war and urged members not to rely on the 'populist appeal of one personality.'

After keeping a low profile for two years, Ryan delivered his remarks in a Thursday evening address at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California.

'It was horrifying to see a presidency come to such a dishonorable and disgraceful end,' he said of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as he described the party being at a crossroads.

Trump fired back on Friday morning, dismissing Ryan as a 'Republican in name only.'

'Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party,' he said in a statement posted on his website.


Donald Trump dismissed Paul Ryan as 'a curse to the Republican Party' after the former House speaker urged the GOP to move on from the former president's grip


Ryan did not name Trump directly, but made clear his feelings during his speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, saying: 'If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we're not going anywhere'

In a sign of Trump's grip on the party, loyalists were quick to hit back at Ryan.

'Taking advice on party building from Paul Ryan would be like taking advice on how to interact with your in-laws from Meghan Markle,' tweeted Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is on an American First tour.

Ryan was once a rising star of the party. He was the 2012 vice presidential nominee but saw his brand of politics eclipsed by Trump and stepped down after three years as speaker.

Trump hits back at Paul Ryan as 'a curse to the Republican Party' | Daily Mail Online

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Trump is a disruptive force. He is just what the GOP needed.
Hmmm....we needed Joe Biden? We needed massive deficit spending and liberal trade policies?

He beat Hillary, a candidate that couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag. If any other candidate had made it through the primary they'd have likely trounced Biden. We ended up having to choose between two senile liberals.
Hmmm....we needed Joe Biden? We needed massive deficit spending and liberal trade policies?

He beat Hillary, a candidate that couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag. If any other candidate had made it through the primary they'd have likely trounced Biden. We ended up having to choose between two senile liberals.

None of the R candidates running in 2016 would have beaten Hillary.
None of the R candidates running in 2016 would have beaten Hillary.
Multiple polls showed otherwise as she had a 52% unfavorable rating among all voters.

Many in both sides thought Trump was the only one she could beat (and did in popular vote).
Even lightweights like Rubio polled very well head to head.

I will give you that she likely beats Cruz. Even his own party hates him.
Hmmm....we needed Joe Biden? We needed massive deficit spending and liberal trade policies?

He beat Hillary, a candidate that couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag. If any other candidate had made it through the primary they'd have likely trounced Biden. We ended up having to choose between two senile liberals.
Trump beat Hillary and then squandered the opportunity by being a boorish lout on Twitter. Massive deficit spending and liberal trade policies didn’t help him, either.
Hmmm....we needed Joe Biden? We needed massive deficit spending and liberal trade policies?

He beat Hillary, a candidate that couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag. If any other candidate had made it through the primary they'd have likely trounced Biden. We ended up having to choose between two senile liberals.
HRC was expected to win the 2016 election convincingly. Even Trump and fox news were stunned when the dominos fell his way.
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HRC was expected to win the 2016 election convincingly. Even Trump and fox news were stunned when the dominos fell his way.
Yep. As I said, many others in the primary polled much better head to head. That's why it was such a close election.

Oh and also because it was rigged
Yep. As I said, many others in the primary polled much better head to head. That's why it was such a close election.

Oh and also because it was rigged
Russian rigged? I maybe? Or poor campaign strategy by HRC.
Case in point. What specifically about the ideals of these people or even their character do you have a problem with?

Most people who have a low view of them have bought into intentional smear campaigns.
Well you know lefties get their impressions from such lofty places as SNL... and TDS... or if they are feeling really lofty, they will go to CNN.

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