Pearl article relating to contract negotiation

His contract is not what I'm talking about. It's his inability to tell the truth.

Go back and watch his interview with Jimmy Dykes. Perfect example.
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You undoubtedly hate Pearl. So you are bound to see everything in the worse light possible. The only valid comments that I have seen comes from one that do hate or love.
You undoubtedly hate Pearl. So you are bound to see everything in the worse light possible. The only valid comments that I have seen comes from one that do hate or love.

Although I do give you props for doing the unthinkable and stringing sentences together, I can't award any points for logic.
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Help me out, I don't get there something new here. The contract stuff has been talked about on this board for some time. The interviewer really didn't ask him about the contract, Pearl brought it up. He's working with out a contract, that's not news. He wasn't asked to divulge the details of the contract he had or the one he and the school have been working on. I realize some may feel like he should just sign whatever the school puts in front of him, and be glad he still has a job. I understand that point of view. The article mentions the "iron clad" contract he had...once again old news. seems like just a slow news day to me. From the same folks who update us on the Cam Newton saga daily, meh.
Help me out, I don't get there something new here. The contract stuff has been talked about on this board for some time. The interviewer really didn't ask him about the contract, Pearl brought it up. He's working with out a contract, that's not news. He wasn't asked to divulge the details of the contract he had or the one he and the school have been working on. I realize some may feel like he should just sign whatever the school puts in front of him, and be glad he still has a job. I understand that point of view. The article mentions the "iron clad" contract he had...once again old news. seems like just a slow news day to me. From the same folks who update us on the Cam Newton saga daily, meh.

You are correct. We are just rehashing the same old stuff. Guess it's because we see it on sports shows constantly. Nothing new to discuss until the letter is received from the NCAA.
You simply can't say anything negative about this situation and Pearl without being a "hater".

I don't know how anybody can look at that article without loading at least a bit of respect for the man. He is making a smart decision from a business perspective but it kinda flies in the face of his "I am Tennessee through and through" talk.
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My,my, lawyers and bankers talking about Bruce's lack of character. Is that the pot calling the kettle black or what? When are the politicians going to show up to tell us about how terrible it is for a coach to lie?
Obviously, his lie has absolutely no negative impact on the basketball program or on his coaching future. Just a lot of scuttlebutt about nothing.
Obviously, his lie has absolutely no negative impact on the basketball program or on his coaching future. Just a lot of scuttlebutt about nothing.

No, obviously someone needs to point out that those who make their living cheating others out of their money through fractional reserve lending or who's profession is based on telling lies, just might not have much creditability when it comes to judging other folk's character.
No, obviously someone needs to point out that those who make their living cheating others out of their money through fractional reserve lending or who's profession is based on telling lies, just might not have much creditability when it comes to judging other folk's character.

Talk about a ribbon on a turd.
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No, obviously someone needs to point out that those who make their living cheating others out of their money through fractional reserve lending or who's profession is based on telling lies, just might not have much creditability when it comes to judging other folk's character.

Farmers and janitors and old men in prison are the experts on character, just like in the movies.

Lack of education equates to immense wisdom.
Looks like that struck a nerve.

Why anyone would give those who are somewhere below used car and mobile home salesmen any creditability is beyond me. It just strikes me as strange that some of those who are the most outraged about Pearl are lawyers and bankers.

Education isn't wisdom it's simply the ability to recall trivial facts. It does give one access to the old boys network and seems to inflate egos though.

Step, do you have something against farmers and janitors? If you do, shame on you.
What does "creditability" mean, something to do with ability to access credit?
   /ˈkrɛdɪtəbəl/ Show Spelled[kred-i-tuh-buhl] Show IPA
bringing or deserving credit, honor, reputation, or esteem.
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1520–30; credit + -able

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cred·it·a·ble·ness, cred·it·a·bil·i·ty, noun
cred·it·a·bly, adverb
non·cred·it·a·ble, adjective
non·cred·it·a·ble·ness, noun
non·cred·it·a·b·ly, adverb
un·cred·it·a·ble, adjective
un·cred·it·a·ble·ness, noun
un·cred·it·a·b·ly, adverb
um, busted, I guess...seems like credibility might have been a better choice in the first post. But, I learned something new, so thanks.
No, obviously someone needs to point out that those who make their living cheating others out of their money through fractional reserve lending or who's profession is based on telling lies, just might not have much creditability when it comes to judging other folk's character.

You got it.
My,my, lawyers and bankers talking about Bruce's lack of character. Is that the pot calling the kettle black or what? When are the politicians going to show up to tell us about how terrible it is for a coach to lie?
Any attorney that I have used in the past was worth every penny. My best friend(also an airforce pilot) who has since past NEVER talked about legal stuff when we hung out. My nephew will be taking the bar soon and hopefully he never has to represent morons.:loco:

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