Look guys... I know all of you think Cal has a wonderful recruiting ability. But that snake shouldn't even be allowed to coach in college atheletics anymore. He has a proven history of cheating, and I despise the man for corrupting young atheletes. I despise Kentucky even more for stooping so low, and being so desperate to win that they would hire such an immoral sleeze. But the most disgusting thing to me is how this man is portrayed by the media as a good coach. He is quite the opposite, in fact. But in today's society, apparently the "IN" thing just to condone corrupt behavior, but to actually reward it. I've had my gripes about Bruce over the years, but he truly cares about his players. Like the kids, he too has had a number of personal distractions; but at the end of the day, he treats his team as a family. One thing you will never see on a Calipari team is guys like Dane Bradshaw, Chris Lofton, and Wayne Chism... I doubt there has ever been one humble attitude on a Calipari roster, and THAT to me is far more indicative of a good coach.