Pearl lover backing Cuonzo



Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2008
I am an admitted Pearl lover. As much as it pains me to see him go to Auburn, I am first and foremost a Vol!

I am pledging my full support for Cuonzo from here on out as long as he's our coach. Although most are disappointed in how we finished the season, at least they made the tournament. Look how many other teams did not. We have been spoiled.

Cuonzo and our players need our support right now more than ever. Let's all get behind this team and push them for a strong run in the tourney!

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Solid post. There's nothing wrong with not being happy, or wanting better, but right now we have a chance to win a national championship as Josh Richardson said. Get behind the guys, support them for the rest of the year however long that may be, and when the seasons over go from there.
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I am an admitted Pearl lover. As much as it pains me to see him go to Auburn, I am first and foremost a Vol!

I am pledging my full support for Cuonzo from here on out as long as he's our coach. Although most are disappointed in how we finished the season, at least they made the tournament. Look how many other teams did not. We have been spoiled.

Cuonzo and our players need our support right now more than ever. Let's all get behind this team and push them for a strong run in the tourney!


I'm on board!

Too rational.

Wait... Thanks for bringing me back down to Earth. Gotta lose intentionally so we can fire Konzo and then buy the entire Auburn university system. We'll keep Pearl at bball coach and Gus can be Butch's OC.

We also obviously get to claim their nat'l champs, as well.
I think this team is more than capable of making it to the SW16. Duke is a tad soft on the periphery. I think what pains most of us is we could lose the play-in game by 15 and not be shocked.
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What pains me is that most of us on here have much more loyalty and regard for UT than our current "Leadership." THAT'S a fact. Bruce was one of us. Made a mistake. ONE mistake in his tenure... and our AD absolutely folded like cheap beach chairs. There was no "pattern" of misdoings. It just didn't make sense at all. Congrats to Auburn. I'm sure they will surpass our performance shortly in yet another sport. Sad.
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I am an admitted Pearl lover. As much as it pains me to see him go to Auburn, I am first and foremost a Vol!

I am pledging my full support for Cuonzo from here on out as long as he's our coach. Although most are disappointed in how we finished the season, at least they made the tournament. Look how many other teams did not. We have been spoiled.

Cuonzo and our players need our support right now more than ever. Let's all get behind this team and push them for a strong run in the tourney!


Good post SDV. These players deserve our full support while they are still alive in this tournament.

All of these distractions about Bruce are really unfortunate for our players. I too am a big Pearl fan, but it sickens me that our players are actually having to address this situation to the media today. It's not right.
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We have not made it past the "1st round" or play in game yet. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Reminder his Martins past years in NIT and his body of work over all. Not alot of confidence in the body of work.
I have been and will be a big Pearl fan. However, his decision for the timing of his coaching announcement leaves me scratching my head. If he has as much love for our University as he has claimed why not wait till Monday? JMO

oh and.. GBO

Good luck Zo and Co.
I have been and will be a big Pearl fan. However, his decision for the timing of his coaching announcement leaves me scratching my head. If he has as much love for our University as he has claimed why not wait till Monday? JMO

oh and.. GBO

Good luck Zo and Co.

YEAH, it would be much better for them to play each game with the Bruce Pearl monkey hanging on their backs :pilot:

IMO it's better that he went ahead and announced.
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YEAH, it would be much better for them to play each game with the Bruce Pearl monkey hanging on their backs :pilot:

IMO it's better that he went ahead and announced.

Well when you put it like that I guess it could viewed the opposite as the way I put it.

It just seems like their hasn't been as much negativity the last 3 weeks or so and now its back in full force.
Wait other posters told me I wasn't allowed to be sad about Bruce and still be a vol fan.... I hope they go all the way.
Too rational.

What is so rational about accepting mediocrity because only 68 teams make it?

That is just dumb. Really dumb.

How would you guys like it if Martin came out and said "Well, only 68 teams make it, so we really appreciate our opportunity to go one and done! Here's to doing it again next year! Cross your fingers!"

I, and all of you, would figuratively **** the bed. There isn't any middle ground in fandom between wanting a championship and not giving a crap at all.

And if you think Martin can win a championship, you must be incapable of producing a rational thought..

Find me a team that has no expectations to make the tourney, and I'll show you a fan base that thought their basketball team was just a club team.
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I am an admitted Pearl lover. As much as it pains me to see him go to Auburn, I am first and foremost a Vol!

I am pledging my full support for Cuonzo from here on out as long as he's our coach. Although most are disappointed in how we finished the season, at least they made the tournament. Look how many other teams did not. We have been spoiled.

Cuonzo and our players need our support right now more than ever. Let's all get behind this team and push them for a strong run in the tourney!


I'm in the same boat.

I'm attached to Pearl and know he can win but I'm a Tennessee fan first. With him off the market, I have no loyalty to any other coach. If Cuonzo makes a run, amazing. If not, find someone better. For now... I'm all in on Cuonzo. I've always been with the team but I don't have a lot of faith in Cuonzo. No choice now... beat Iowa and Mass at least. Then I'm 50/50 on giving him another season. Beat Duke, give him another season(not an extension though).
Right here with you SDV. I guess I'm jumping back on the CCM wagon...until we lose again (jk lol) but I just hope CCM keeps coaching the way he's been coaching this month that's all I ask and then I could get behind him 100%...if he isn't going to give 100% I'm not going to support him 100%. Call me whatever but that's all I ask is him giving 100%. He didn't earlier this year and look what happen. When he started coaching with a purpose and felt his seat getting a little hot the team turned around. He shouldn't have to feel the pressure to coach. My only problem with him. If he keeps coaching the way he has been in March I think he'll continue to keep on improving.
I have been and will be a big Pearl fan. However, his decision for the timing of his coaching announcement leaves me scratching my head. If he has as much love for our University as he has claimed why not wait till Monday? JMO

oh and.. GBO

Good luck Zo and Co.

He clearly has zero respect for the Vol players or administration, what a scumbag

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