Pearl lover backing Cuonzo

I WAS a big Pearl fan because he made Vol BB relevant for a short time. BUT he is now the enemy as far as I am concerned. Hart needs to consider the long term view of the BB program AFTER the tournament, but I am supporting Cuonzo and the players to the bitter end. Wherever that may be.
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I think this team is more than capable of making it to the SW16. Duke is a tad soft on the periphery. I think what pains most of us is we could lose the play-in game by 15 and not be shocked.

The scariest scenario to me is that we lose the play-in game, go close to .500 next year, are a bubble team AGAIN in 2015-2016, and the trend continues for years.

In other words, Martin continues to do just enough to keep his job, while never really exciting anyone or winning anything of note.
What is so rational about accepting mediocrity because only 68 teams make it?

That is just dumb. Really dumb.

How would you guys like it if Martin came out and said "Well, only 68 teams make it, so we really appreciate our opportunity to go one and done! Here's to doing it again next year! Cross your fingers!"

I, and all of you, would figuratively **** the bed. There isn't any middle ground in fandom between wanting a championship and not giving a crap at all.

And if you think Martin can win a championship, you must be incapable of producing a rational thought..

Find me a team that has no expectations to make the tourney, and I'll show you a fan base that thought their basketball team was just a club team.

My lord it must suck to be you if that's your reaction to my reply to SDV's post.
Screw Auburn and screw Bruce. As a FORMER Bruce fan, I am now backing Martin once again. As fans, we can get all worked up and bent out of shape when things aren't going the way we expected. I'm sure I'll get bashed for giving up on Martin so early this season, but that's ok, bash away, I'm ready to eat crow. As far as the Petition thread, can we burn the damn thing now? Mods?
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We got the NCAA dance to look forward to, and just might surprise some people and all that's going on is about PEARL, now that he is gone for sure can we move on and support this team, this should not even be a story the day before we play, he was never coming back here anyway, now lest move on. GO VOLS KICK SOME AZZ .
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Hard to see how even the biggest Pearl lover can view it otherwise. Timing was pathetic. IMO

Wow... you guys are serious.

Most people here believe Martin is going to get another year.

But Pearl is crapping on the Vols for taking a job that's actually open instead of waiting for a job that may not open.

The people against Pearl are worse than the people for Pearl. All I can do is shake my head. Go Pacers...
Solid post. There's nothing wrong with not being happy, or wanting better, but right now we have a chance to win a national championship as Josh Richardson said. Get behind the guys, support them for the rest of the year however long that may be, and when the seasons over go from there.

U had me till the part about having a chance for a nc.. This team n staff only chance is if every other team gets the flu.. Sorry no way n heck that happens..

Not hating just stating the facts
Wow... you guys are serious.

Most people here believe Martin is going to get another year.

But Pearl is crapping on the Vols for taking a job that's actually open.

The people against Pearl are worse than the people for Pearl. All I can do is shake my head. Go Pacers...

Don't misunderstand me, fellow Pacer fan. I wanted him to/and am happy for him getting another opportunity, even if it is in the SEC.(like he had said he didn't want) I just don't agree with the timing. He could have asked Auburn not to leak anything until at least after the first weekend of the tourney. this is just from my pov.
Wow... you guys are serious.

Most people here believe Martin is going to get another year.

But Pearl is crapping on the Vols for taking a job that's actually open instead of waiting for a job that may not open.

The people against Pearl are worse than the people for Pearl. All I can do is shake my head. Go Pacers...

Bullcrap, unless you think complaining about the timing is worse than saying you hope Auburn beats us by 50 next year in TBA. I've yet to see anything even remotely that stupid uttered by someone who is "against" Pearl.
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Don't misunderstand me, fellow Pacer fan. I wanted him to/and am happy for him getting another opportunity, even if it is in the SEC.(like he had said he didn't want) I just don't agree with the timing. He could have asked Auburn not to leak anything until at least after the first weekend of the tourney. this is just from my pov.

I hope you're kidding.
The timing sucks but I don't think that's on Pearl. He was offered a job, he took it. He owes nothing to UT as far as delaying the announcement.
If Pearl loved Tennessee like he said he would've waited however long it took for the job, it's pretty clear he was lying and playing Tennessee fans.
I am an admitted Pearl lover. As much as it pains me to see him go to Auburn, I am first and foremost a Vol!

I am pledging my full support for Cuonzo from here on out as long as he's our coach. Although most are disappointed in how we finished the season, at least they made the tournament. Look how many other teams did not. We have been spoiled.

Cuonzo and our players need our support right now more than ever. Let's all get behind this team and push them for a strong run in the tourney!


Yea and Amen.

I would add that Pearl is now an opposing coach and he better not get home court welcome/advantage when Auburn comes to TBA. That will p*** me off.

Our silver lining is that CCM has only been a head coach for SIX seasons. It is possible (I think likely) that his offensive coaching will catch up to his outstanding defense. My worry is that he hates it here and wants the first decent offer elsewhere.
I'm not backing CCM tomorrow. I'm backing the Vols tomorrow.

Yup. I'm backing The players and the assistants as well.

Let's be honest CCM wasn't going to be here at TN regardless or not. I don't blame him. He has a couple of other dream jobs.

Even during his Missouri St. days, you get a feeling he's doesn't plan on staying at a specific school... here is a video too.

Cuonzo Martin talks about his new contract extension - YouTube

I personally would like a coach that shows PASSION to be at TN. Not a school to put on your resume.
No choice now... beat Iowa and Mass at least. Then I'm 50/50 on giving him another season. Beat Duke, give him another season(not an extension though).

If you don't think a Sweet 16 should get CCM an extension, you really don't understand coaching politics.
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If you don't think a Sweet 16 should get CCM an extension, you really don't understand coaching politics.

Agree. If Martin beats Duke and doesn't get an extension, he should walk. And Hart would have a hard time attracting other coaches if either if those things happened, IMO.
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I'm backing CM too. Time to move on. Pearl is an Auburn Tiger and Martin is the coach of the Vols. GBO.
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It appears Pearl's staff will have a familiar look to UT fans. Word is that Tony Jones and Jason Shay will be joining him at Auburn.
about what?

I hope your kidding by suggesting that the timing of Auburn hiring a coach should be affected in any way by Tennessee's tournament schedule. Please tell me you're trolling me.

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