Pelosi and voting

Pelosi mistakenly refers to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson as 'Don Johnson'

'Miami Vice' star and '80s icon gets a role in Speaker's press briefing


During her weekly news briefing on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mistakenly referred to Sen. Ron Johnson as "Don Johnson", an actor best known for his role as James "Sonny" Crockett in the 1980s television series Miami Vice.

Pelosi was slamming the Wisconsin Republican and staunch supporter of former president Trump for "taking the lead" in the GOP's response to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, when she was told by reporters she made the mixup.

During her weekly news briefing on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mistakenly referred to Sen. Ron Johnson as "Don Johnson", an actor best known for his role as James "Sonny" Crockett in the 1980s television series Miami Vice.

Pelosi was slamming the Wisconsin Republican and staunch supporter of former president Trump for "taking the lead" in the GOP's response to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, when she was told by reporters she made the mixup.

"Don Johnson, was his first name Don? What is it Ron?," she asked reporters, to which they replied, "No."

Pelosi mistakenly refers to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson as 'Don Johnson'
The 2020 method made it easier to cheat, dems know they can’t make up a virus every 2 years so to ensure cheating going forward they need “for the people act 2021”

Or can they?
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Pelosi mistakenly refers to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson as 'Don Johnson'

'Miami Vice' star and '80s icon gets a role in Speaker's press briefing


During her weekly news briefing on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mistakenly referred to Sen. Ron Johnson as "Don Johnson", an actor best known for his role as James "Sonny" Crockett in the 1980s television series Miami Vice.

Pelosi was slamming the Wisconsin Republican and staunch supporter of former president Trump for "taking the lead" in the GOP's response to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, when she was told by reporters she made the mixup.

During her weekly news briefing on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mistakenly referred to Sen. Ron Johnson as "Don Johnson", an actor best known for his role as James "Sonny" Crockett in the 1980s television series Miami Vice.

Pelosi was slamming the Wisconsin Republican and staunch supporter of former president Trump for "taking the lead" in the GOP's response to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, when she was told by reporters she made the mixup.

"Don Johnson, was his first name Don? What is it Ron?," she asked reporters, to which they replied, "No."

Pelosi mistakenly refers to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson as 'Don Johnson'
She should have just referred to him as A Johnson. That would be a more appropriate description for that rube.
Why should it take longer than 10 days to be counted? Especially since you said everything has to be postmarked?

I dont think it should take longer than 10 days to count a vote after its received, but I can attest that I've been waiting on a document sent via USPS three weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived. Extend the receipt deadline or fix the post office in my opinion.
I dont think it should take longer than 10 days to count a vote after its received, but I can attest that I've been waiting on a document sent via USPS three weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived. Extend the receipt deadline or fix the post office in my opinion.
Or in person voting closes 10 days after the last postmarked day. All votes are held till voting is closed and counted at the same time.
All votes are held till the voting is closed. then all votes are counted at once. No running total reports. Just results
All votes are held till the voting is closed. then all votes are counted at once. No running total reports. Just results
The running total thing does create an interesting circumstance if you are a democracy purist. You should want people to vote while avoiding bias in the system.

The running total injects a bias. It becomes about winning, instead of voting.
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Or in person voting closes 10 days after the last postmarked day. All votes are held till voting is closed and counted at the same time.
I don't have a problem with that concept, but based on my recent experience with USPS (which I'm forced to rely on to some extent in a professional capacity) I dont have confidence that 10 days is nearly enough. That opens the "well I was planning on voting in person, but my kid got hit by bus 3000 miles away and I had to go take care him" rabbithole.
The running total thing does create an interesting circumstance if you are a democracy purist. You should want people to vote while avoiding bias in the system.

The running total injects a bias. It becomes about winning, instead of voting.
It gives the appearance of fraud when there’s likely none. it’s just a bad way to do business
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I don't have a problem with that concept, but based on my recent experience with USPS (which I'm forced to rely on to some extent in a professional capacity) I dont have confidence that 10 days is nearly enough. That opens the "well I was planning on voting in person, but my kid got hit by bus 3000 miles away and I had to go take care him" rabbithole.
Set a standard. I don’t care what it is. Create a deadline and stick too it. Most importantly no counting happens till all votes are in and voting is closed.
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Set a standard. I don’t care what it is. Create a deadline and stick too it. Most importantly no counting happens till all votes are in and voting is closed.

I can agree with that, but part of the problem in November was certain states waited til the polls closed to start counting absentee ballots. If my understanding is correct, when the absentee ballots got added all at once it caused people to claim shenanigans (of course some of that claim was people saying the absentee ballots were surreptitiously counted. I couldn't keep up with all the allegations).
I can agree with that, but part of the problem in November was certain states waited til the polls closed to start counting absentee ballots. If my understanding is correct, when the absentee ballots got added all at once it caused people to claim shenanigans (of course some of that claim was people saying the absentee ballots were surreptitiously counted. I couldn't keep up with all the allegations).
That’s why I’m a fan of not reporting the running totals.
Just give the results.
The running total thing does create an interesting circumstance if you are a democracy purist. You should want people to vote while avoiding bias in the system.

The running total injects a bias. It becomes about winning, instead of voting.

I think that depends on how we define "running total.". In 2000 there was a lot of reporting throughout the day based on exit polling, which lead to accusations that people stayed home because they thought the race was over. I think the networks backed off on reporting those. The numbers we get now are based on numbers reported after polls have closed, but before counting is complete.
See my response to @LouderVol . I think running totals after polls close don't impact the state by state vote (maybe they might on west coast) but they could have an impact on expectations.
I’ve said in the past that no counting starts till all votes are in. In a presidential election that would mean no counting in the east till the polls are closed in the west.
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But if you’re only reporting results then there’s no way the East is done before the west closes.
I’d be ok if we didn’t count till the next day.
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I’ve said in the past that no counting starts till all votes are in. In a presidential election that would mean no counting in the east till the polls are closed in the west.

I probably could have worded statement more clearly. When a state is done reporting results incrementally won't affect that state.
It gives the appearance of fraud when there’s likely none. it’s just a bad way to do business
especially this year when the news wasn't matching the state information. which lead people to think there were sudden 400k votes flips in the night. but if you checked the states data you would see its just the news correcting to the states information that caused the "bump".
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