Does anyone else have spiders everywhere outside of the house ?
They live in the soffet and they are everywhere. The black droppings get all over my railings, siding, and concrete on my front porch.
Is there a spray anyone suggests ?
If there was a spray that could effectively kill spiders, you wouldn’t want to spray it where humans reside. Best control for spiders is invest in a web duster head and sevin dust. Lightly dust in upper corners around the house after knocking down the same in the garage. If you have an attic, lightly broadcast dust in corners (too heavy is a breathing hazard and will mess up what you store up there), spread Niban to reduce silverfish and other bugs they feed on and put out glueboards glueboards glueboards.
To borrow a cringe bringing term from our former coach, spiders are RESILIENT. I’ve killed them directly with wasp freeze and D-Force, but you can’t broadcast those aerosols...mess humans up! There’s not an effective SPRAY that KILLS spiders...only dissuades. Using a pesticide dust in the corners and knocking down webs is the best course for spiders around your house and garage. Granules are good for those wolf spiders in the yard.Ok, I have to ask, what is driving the first sentence in this response?
The little glue traps work for Brown recluses as they tend to wander around. Put them along the baseboards or in corners and they will eventually walk into them.To borrow a cringe bringing term from our former coach, spiders are RESILIENT. I’ve killed them directly with wasp freeze and D-Force, but you can’t broadcast those aerosols...mess humans up! There’s not an effective SPRAY that KILLS spiders...only dissuades. Using a pesticide dust in the corners and knocking down webs is the best course for spiders around your house and garage. Granules are good for those wolf spiders in the yard.
To borrow a cringe bringing term from our former coach, spiders are RESILIENT. I’ve killed them directly with wasp freeze and D-Force, but you can’t broadcast those aerosols...mess humans up! There’s not an effective SPRAY that KILLS spiders...only dissuades. Using a pesticide dust in the corners and knocking down webs is the best course for spiders around your house and garage. Granules are good for those wolf spiders in the yard.