Peyton Manning's Class Shines Again



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Last March, my house was broken into and in addition to every form of electronic we owned being stolen, I noticed the one thing that could never be replaced was also missing; my Manning autographed football. It was an ordinary ball that had been signed, one like many on here probably have. What made it special was getting it signed outside the Orange Bowl the night he played his last game.

I remember being a 12 yr old boy and not wanting to approach him because I felt he didn't need me bugging him after playing his last collegiate game, and it being one that ended in such thorough defeat. Peyton insisted on signing and talking with folks as if nothing before that moment had happened. The humility was mind-boggling, so much so that a competitive 12 yr old couldn't believe someone could handle defeat in such a manner.

When that ball was stolen I reached out to the Broncos organization and they gave me their address and suggested writing a letter and sending it in. They said they make sure players get all their mail even in the offseason. I thought to myself, "I'm sure you do" and rolled my eyes on the other end. However, I took their advice and wrote Peyton a letter explaining what happened and told him I was in no way asking for another football. I simply wanted to thank him for the experience 16 yrs ago and for displaying the level of class he did in humbling himself for everyone around that night.

The Broncos organization most definitely upheld their end of the bargain and Peyton went beyond my expectations. This afternoon when i got home from spending a day out with my wife before leaving on a business trip there was a box on my doorstep. I'm always receiving work materials from my home office and just assumed it was another shipment pertaining to work. That was until I saw the return address that read Englewood, CO. I opened it up to find a new ball addressed to me personally and signed by Peyton.

I'm not too much of a man to say I teared up some when I saw it, just thinking about Peyton taking the time to do that. The ball itself is inconsequential. The Book of Manning did a great job of shedding light on how classy that entire family is but it only scratched the surface. It's the behind the scene things like this that show Peyton's true colors. The example he sets not only for young athletes but for husbands, fathers and men in general is almost indescribable. I know he makes all of us as UT fans so proud that he's affiliated with our beloved university. Just thought I'd share another example of what so many of us already knew.
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Best story I've read in a long time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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In this day and age when so many celebrities and sports figures are held up as role models, it is gratifying when someone with that "stature" truly is a role model and outstanding person. The VolNation is fortunate to have several and Peyton Manning along with Pat Summitt are the first that come to mind.
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It really doesn't surprise me at all. He makes all UT fans and the University proud and is the kind of roll model our young people need. Thank you Peyton!!!
Now everyone's gonna send a letter saying their football was stolen too! Lol great story, sorry all ur electronics got stolen though
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Peyton Manning is the single reason I started watching the NFL again after years of giving up on the league due to boredom with their product.
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Wow! Peyton Manning never ceases to amaze me. I'm very proud that he graduated from the University of Tennessee, my school.
Peyton Manning is the single reason I started watching the NFL again after years of giving up on the league due to boredom with their product.

Me, too. Had not watched in 20 years but got excited when he went to Denver. I only watch his games, though.
Always fascinated with all things Manning... So many positive things going on around them. Truly inspiring story, players, and family they are. The Book of Manning should have been 3 hours long, and we still wouldn't grasp what class they all seem to hold without the slightest bit of effort.

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