Phil Steele's Pre-Season All SEC Team: AJ Johnson/Big Dan McCullers

Probably because you live in Volnation and never follow the rest of the SEC. There are many great O-linemen in this conference.
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You think Richardson doesn't deserve to be on this list? You're crazy.
Ummm no. Clowney was bored that entire game until he saw we might actually make it close and then he proceeded to destroyed Tiny.

With that being said, Tiny deserves first team but Clowney looking average could only be due to his own efforts.

Care to explain how you know Clowney was bored? And he proceeded to destroy Tiny? I wish I could just slap the sh*t out of you right now and get it over with. The play had everything to do with Bray holding onto the ball like a loaf of bread which he always did and not getting rid of it within soon enough. Clowney didn't bust off the line like he did against Michigan (which btw he was unblocked on)...Bray had ample time to get rid of the ball.Clowney is a freak but Tiny takes him down a notch which is why he is a 1st rounder as well.

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