Photo of a UT Legend and Legend in the Making, Version 2.0

all manning has left to prove is that he can win the big time pressure games without choking it away or being part of a team that does. he needs a super bowl win or two against tebow and brady to prove it then retire as the best ever.

I figured you would get hammered quick for this....You do realize they are both in the AFC and can't play in the superbowl against each other. Plus he has won 5 of his last 7 against the Pats (I think).
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Just thought of something that's kind of telling.

(Peyton calls QBs and WRs) "Hey, guys, let's have some fun today. Whaddya say??"

Previous regime: "No, you guys aren't allowed because he didn't call and schedule an appointment"

This regime: "You're Peyton Manning. You do whatever the hell you want, and we appreciate you coming back."
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We are so lucky to have alumni like Peyton and others who come back and help the young guys...How ANY top QB would not want to play for UT with Manning's phone number on his cell phone for advice is beyond me....Damn I wish I was a top high school recruit right now.
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Pat Summit and Peyton Manning.

Vol_Football Tennessee Football
With @patsummitt, #PeytonManning films a commercial to be aired at @RegalMovies for the Pat Summitt Foundation. #VFL

Hoping he'll come coach whenever he does retire. Would like to see him as an offensive coordinator.

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