Pick 4 Plus Bonus and Win

Who makes the 1st first down? Marlin Lane
Who catches the first pass? Downs
Who gets the first sack? If vereen plays then vereen if not Walls
Who scores the first TD? Rajion Neal
Bonus Question: Total rushing yards for the game! 322
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Who makes the 1st first down? Rajon Neal
Who catches the first pass? Rajon Neal
Who gets the first sack? Jordan Williams
Who scores the first TD? Rajon Neal

Bonus Question: 215 yards
At least with the vehicles you can just get them repainted when you get tired of looking at 'em.
Based on the posts so far, if anyone besides Neal gets the 1st first down then the vast majority are already out.
Pick each of the following correctly and win!

  1. Who makes the 1st first down?
  2. Who catches the first pass?
  3. Who gets the first sack?
  4. Who scores the first TD?

Bonus Question: Total rushing yards for the game!

Odds of winning:

One correct... who cares
Two correct... self high-five
Three correct... you're a decent sofa coach
Four correct... Someone should be bringing you a sammich and a beer!

All Four Plus the Bonus Question... pick your choice of the following!


If someone taught that girl what a smile was supposed to look like, she might not be so... Ughhh
Nearly 80% have Neal picked to make the 1st first down (including me). The odds of an overall winner drop dramatically if Worley completes a nice seam pass to Croom for a first down as one of the early plays.
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