*****Pick the Score Contest: Tennessee vs South Carolina

This week's tiebreaker is total yards allowed by Tennessee's defense. I'll have the other past contests updated today/tonight and have all those gift cards sent out. I'll also update this post with those winners.

*****By the way, if you guys could use this format and put your winner first, it would help me out.

Weekly Winners
Week 1: I Love Lamp (card sent)
Week 2: CornbreadVol (card sent)
Week 3: SpringBokVol (card sent)
Week 4: landscapingvol (card sent)
Week 5: EgyptianHeadband (card sent)
Week 6: TBD

*If you are a winner and haven't received your card when it says "card sent" after your name, please contact me.

VN Store
