Playboy Poll

After what our coaches have been saying about these preseason scrimmages, I'm kinda iffy on giving the team too much respect as well...

Course I do realize they'res still a month before they actually play
I'll say they're not giving us much respect... they have Arkansas, Cincinnati and Utah ranked ahead of us.

But I'll let it slide, those guys at playboy have things other than college football to divide their attention with.
Is that for football, or for how many times the campus has had their coeds in their magazine?
I know the preseason polls don't mean that much....but Kansas State @ 22.......They won't be anywhere near a top 25 team!
Arky at 19 is a joke. And why does Missou keep gettng so much love?

I think a lot of people are high on arky b/c of petrino's track record and that's about it (I know when we were reporting media day there was one reporter who kept asking everyone, players & coaches, about what they thought about bobby petrino's upcoming season :wacko:)

Mizzou on the other hand returns alot of its starters....most importantly their qb and that really fast wr, won their bowl game big, and play in a very easy division (Kansas was a fluke) with a pretty easy schedule....the preseason bowls don't rank the teams in order of who's the best anymore like they used to, but now try instead to rank best on who will finish the best records :cray: more like the poll writers want to be the one to yell out "I was right" at the end of the season

gators at 3rd!! :eek:Heffs had one too many!

Something tells me heff stopped writing the magazine a looong time ago, he just manages the empire now :)....boy, i wish i could be that man
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Playboy is still circulating a magazine? That rag hasn't been relevent since the dotcom boom...

When I was in school at UT (1996-2000), Playboy ran an annual seminar for the journalism school students about writing feature articles. They have kind of an interesting connection to UT's J-school through Alex Haley, as well as some other ties. Say what you want, but Playboy is has been a pretty well regarded journalistic magazine from time to time.

I look at it for the pictures though. :)

Regardless, I'm not sure I'd pay much attention to any poll that ranks Wisconsin 9 spots higher than UT though. Not after the way we manhandled them January 1, 2008.
Are they ranking football teams or most gifted co-eds?

If UT is ranked lower, it's Fulmer's fault.
Trying to get cute with all the trick plays in that game hurt us and allowed them to stick around. Perfect example of why you stick to what is working for you.

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