Because those at the top of mountain do sign a lot of the TRULY talented regardless of their star ratings after their JR of HS. The ones that get prioritized by the top 30 kind of teams. The ones that are accurately STARRED due to their demonstrated on field performance having already attained the physical development. The 3*'s he is alluding to are those complete their development later and excel at institutions somewhere down the food chain. What other explanation is there for more 3* getting drafted than 4* in most drafts?
Taking the LIMITED no-brainer 5* out of the conversation, Just rechecked the ON3 statistics for the combined last 3 drafts, and how the numbers changed over the last few weeks for these historical periods I don't know, but they currently show 250 4 stars drafted and 470 2&3 stars drafted while passing on 900 4 stars. The point is NOT that the cream of the 4 stars are not talented, but that the balance get passed by service MISSES. It is possible that every one is properly rated based on their bodies of work when the stars are handed out. 3-5 years of development and training change the truth on draft days. Those guys are out there to sign and develop if you are lucky or good. Establishing absolute value and ceilings based on HS stars does not seem wise. They probably do enhance their percentages by using FINAL numbers, not the stars assigned during the majority of the recruitment phase.
Odds are long on 4 stars, even longer on 2&3 stars, but you put players not odds on the field. The draft proves they are out there and out there in quantity. Even the best trained talent evaluators cannot define where athletes are in their development curve. At 17-18 some are maxed out, some are way down the road, but a lot have a ways to go. The numbers seem to show that. Athletes are athletes, gamers are gamers, it is athletic gamers you hope to sign. Athletes with the intangibles are the goal. Stars are given out primarily on the athletic piece, that is easier to see in HS.
Institute a college draft and the distribution of the athletic out of HS would surely be different too. My guess is that NIL rules forthcoming will do some of that IF caps are placed on each team. The noise is already starting.