Pleasant surprises and participation surprises

We'll make sure that bUTch gives you a call and ask for your opinion! STHU

Worley played really well last night! How can you complain about 11-13 for 104 yds and 3 tds plus 4 carries for 21 yds?



Apparently Dobbs couldn't beat out Peterman who looked like $hit in the 2nd half. So using that method and your math.
Dobbs = bench warmer = til further notice.


Stop crying when you don't get your way!



Dude, can you not get all of your thoughts out at one time....therefore having to make 2 post that imo are two statements that are invalid...if not for the fact you sign your name after every post, i might be able to take you little more serious. you don't have to post your name after ever incoherent thought that you add to this board as your name shows up to the left...thanks for playing

Yours Truly,
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Dobbs should be starting I do know that much

I'm like you. I'd like to see him get in too. One thing that he did do that impressed me was during the vol walk he went over and hugged his mom and shook his dad's hand. That says a lot about the kind of young man he is.very respectful.
Based on what evidence? I don't think you people realize how near-perfect Worley managed the game last night.

Every time he made the read-option to hand off or take it himself, it was 100% the correct decision. You could clearly see the difference when Peterman came in and made the wrong decision almost every time. Peterman is faster and more nimble then Worley but yet got blew up almost every time he decided to keep.

As for Dobbs, he obviously did not get a chance to show us anything. However, the point I'm making is that it's clear why CBJ has these QBs ranked where they are on his depth chart. Either Dobbs is even less ready then Peterman at making reads/decisions or he wants him to RS, or both.

Just let CBJ make the right choices, so far he seems to be making good ones.

I saw a lack of zip on the ball and many short trow passes
I was suprised at the play of the 2nd team offense and defense....even more suprised at Peterman's play

enough of these suprises
Any sign of Dan O'Brian on the DL? I didn't see him out there and am wondering if he will ever see the field. Is he hurt or ineligible?
Josh dobbs= tee Martin which = national championship. Butch needs to get his sh$t together

Was at the game last night and was surprised by the size of North. He was as tall as Justin Hunter but about 30-40 pounds heavier and just as fast. He plays like a 5 star receiver and the qbs are going to need to catch up to his speed. He burned the cbs badly twice and ball was underthrown both times. If Worley or one of the other qbs builds chemistry with him he will be hard to stop. Pig Howard in the slot is a nightmare for opposing defenses as well.

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