Please Pray for Julianne

"Juju Update: 03-19-23 9AM

- A Neuro Dr came in and said that she looked better and seemed more alert than yesterday morning. I can't imagine the pain from the surgery that she has to deal with as pain management is limited because they have been doing 1-2 hour Neuro exams and they want her to be lucid for that. The long days and nights can sometimes grind you down, but we know that God renews strength. We're thankful for the visits (recently two sweet sisters from TN stopped by on the way home from New York), messages, comments, and prayers! Please keep praying for Juju and miracles of complete mental and physical restoration!"
Pour on more prayers!

"It’s a little late right now, and some may already be asleep, but we did not receive the best news this evening.
After a good few days of Julianne making some progress in speech therapy and some other areas of improvement, Greg and I did notice some slight changes in her Neuro exams the last two days- mainly in her speech and increased weakness on her left side which hadn’t been there before. We thought maybe that she was just in pain from the surgery so we dismayed it a little in our minds, but Greg still brought it up with the Neuro team each time.
After the Neuro team talked this afternoon, they decided to immediately take her tonight for a CT Scan and found new bleeding at the original location on her brain. It is rare for children to have this cavernoma, and apparently even more rare for them to have multiple bleeds. We don't know a lot of answers right now as we'll speak to a doctor in the morning. We know this isn't good news. They will try to treat it medically and aren't looking at surgery at the moment, but surgery is not out of the question. We feel sick right now. We hate seeing our girl lose function every time she has a bleed. We hate seeing her suffer and be in pain. We desperately need your prayers. We feel like we're right back at the beginning. Praying is all we can do right now."
Juju’s tennis shoes…. The last time I touched these was in Knoxville when I was taking them off of her after they admitted her. I never had the chance to put them on her the next day because she was intubated. There was a time I thought she would never wear these again.
The therapist said yesterday she will need shoes for rehab, and I can not tell you how excited I was to pull these back out of the suitcase!
She is a living miracle! Literally! God has spared her life, and I have no doubt in my mind it was the prayers of His people that night when she was rushed by ambulance to Cincinnati. I haven’t shared this, but I rode in the ambulance with her, and I can’t explain it, but I felt the prayers of people so strongly.
So thank you for praying for our little girl! Also, hold your little ones tight and don’t take one single day for granted. Our lives changed in one night. Parenting/ mothering can be so difficult and exhausting but don’t give up. There’s a great reward in store for those who are faithful to the service of the Lord. We have no idea what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow! - Bree

God is good! Continued prayers!!
Latest update and specific prayer requests:
Juju update 6-19-23:
Different people ask every so often how they can pray specifically so we thought we would give a few specific requests. But before that, we wanted to share about her vision and hearing appointments she has had recently. After her surgery, we were unsure of how much brain damage had been done in so many areas, including hearing and vision. Last week, she passed her hearing test, praise the Lord! Today, after her eye appointment, the doctor said that the front of her eyes look good and there is no need for glasses right now. However, the left eye is much weaker and is “competing” with the right eye which makes her vision a little “off”. She will wear an eye patch for two hours everyday and go back in 3 months for a recheck.
Since surgery, her left eye does not close all the way so we apply eye ointment on them all day to keep them moistened. The doctor said it might get better with time, or it might not. They could do surgery, but we want to give it some time first to see if it gets better.
Considering we were unsure if she even had vision in her left eye, this is encouraging news.

Specific requests:

•No more re- bleeds in her brain.
•Her left eye would close all the way and the eye patch will help with her vision.
•We were told by her neurosurgeon that the facial droop might be permanent, but we are still praying it would get better so that her speech can improve.
•Her right arm would get stronger and her right hand and fingers would open up and she would regain use of her right hand.
•Her occupational therapist said her left hand will become her dominant hand so please pray that she will learn how to write with it well, as she did everything with her right hand before all of this.
•Her right leg and foot would straighten as well as get stronger so she can walk more and more and prevent her knee from hyperextending.
•Her emotional state- she knows she can’t do what she used to. She gets self conscious when she sees other kids doing things she can’t. It breaks our hearts to see her notice this. It’s hard to explain to a 4 year old what has happened to her. Please pray for God to help her adapt to her new body.

Some praises🙌🏼
•she is fully potty trained again, as she lost all control of that when all of this happened.
•she is walking stronger.
•her voice is starting to sound more like our old Julianne♥️

This is our Julianne. We love her so much. God loves her so much. Thank you for praying 💜
Latest update and specific prayer requests:
Juju update 6-19-23:
Different people ask every so often how they can pray specifically so we thought we would give a few specific requests. But before that, we wanted to share about her vision and hearing appointments she has had recently. After her surgery, we were unsure of how much brain damage had been done in so many areas, including hearing and vision. Last week, she passed her hearing test, praise the Lord! Today, after her eye appointment, the doctor said that the front of her eyes look good and there is no need for glasses right now. However, the left eye is much weaker and is “competing” with the right eye which makes her vision a little “off”. She will wear an eye patch for two hours everyday and go back in 3 months for a recheck.
Since surgery, her left eye does not close all the way so we apply eye ointment on them all day to keep them moistened. The doctor said it might get better with time, or it might not. They could do surgery, but we want to give it some time first to see if it gets better.
Considering we were unsure if she even had vision in her left eye, this is encouraging news.

Specific requests:

•No more re- bleeds in her brain.
•Her left eye would close all the way and the eye patch will help with her vision.
•We were told by her neurosurgeon that the facial droop might be permanent, but we are still praying it would get better so that her speech can improve.
•Her right arm would get stronger and her right hand and fingers would open up and she would regain use of her right hand.
•Her occupational therapist said her left hand will become her dominant hand so please pray that she will learn how to write with it well, as she did everything with her right hand before all of this.
•Her right leg and foot would straighten as well as get stronger so she can walk more and more and prevent her knee from hyperextending.
•Her emotional state- she knows she can’t do what she used to. She gets self conscious when she sees other kids doing things she can’t. It breaks our hearts to see her notice this. It’s hard to explain to a 4 year old what has happened to her. Please pray for God to help her adapt to her new body.

Some praises🙌🏼
•she is fully potty trained again, as she lost all control of that when all of this happened.
•she is walking stronger.
•her voice is starting to sound more like our old Julianne♥️

This is our Julianne. We love her so much. God loves her so much. Thank you for praying 💜
Praying for your precious Julianne!
Latest update and specific prayer requests:
Juju update 6-19-23:
Different people ask every so often how they can pray specifically so we thought we would give a few specific requests. But before that, we wanted to share about her vision and hearing appointments she has had recently. After her surgery, we were unsure of how much brain damage had been done in so many areas, including hearing and vision. Last week, she passed her hearing test, praise the Lord! Today, after her eye appointment, the doctor said that the front of her eyes look good and there is no need for glasses right now. However, the left eye is much weaker and is “competing” with the right eye which makes her vision a little “off”. She will wear an eye patch for two hours everyday and go back in 3 months for a recheck.
Since surgery, her left eye does not close all the way so we apply eye ointment on them all day to keep them moistened. The doctor said it might get better with time, or it might not. They could do surgery, but we want to give it some time first to see if it gets better.
Considering we were unsure if she even had vision in her left eye, this is encouraging news.

Specific requests:

•No more re- bleeds in her brain.
•Her left eye would close all the way and the eye patch will help with her vision.
•We were told by her neurosurgeon that the facial droop might be permanent, but we are still praying it would get better so that her speech can improve.
•Her right arm would get stronger and her right hand and fingers would open up and she would regain use of her right hand.
•Her occupational therapist said her left hand will become her dominant hand so please pray that she will learn how to write with it well, as she did everything with her right hand before all of this.
•Her right leg and foot would straighten as well as get stronger so she can walk more and more and prevent her knee from hyperextending.
•Her emotional state- she knows she can’t do what she used to. She gets self conscious when she sees other kids doing things she can’t. It breaks our hearts to see her notice this. It’s hard to explain to a 4 year old what has happened to her. Please pray for God to help her adapt to her new body.

Some praises🙌🏼
•she is fully potty trained again, as she lost all control of that when all of this happened.
•she is walking stronger.
•her voice is starting to sound more like our old Julianne♥️

This is our Julianne. We love her so much. God loves her so much. Thank you for praying 💜
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Reactions: davethevol
How is Julianne doing? Have been fortunate enough to be able to see my great granddaughter quite a bit lately and marveling at how much she is growing and learning. Of course I'm very thankful for her health which lead me to wonder about Ju-Ju's recovery. I hope she's continuing to improve.
How is Julianne doing? Have been fortunate enough to be able to see my great granddaughter quite a bit lately and marveling at how much she is growing and learning. Of course I'm very thankful for her health which lead me to wonder about Ju-Ju's recovery. I hope she's continuing to improve.
This is from June 22 ❤️.....

"Julianne’s MRI looked fantastic! Swelling has gone down in her brain. While there is still a chance the cavernoma could regrow, it is unlikely. He showed us the images and it’s AMAZING how much her brain has healed. We will come back in 3 months for another MRI to make sure everything still looks good.
We are thanking the Lord! Thank you for praying. Juju is currently enjoying a Happy Meal at McDonald’s (per her request) after a looong day 💜"
This is from June 22 ❤️.....

"Julianne’s MRI looked fantastic! Swelling has gone down in her brain. While there is still a chance the cavernoma could regrow, it is unlikely. He showed us the images and it’s AMAZING how much her brain has healed. We will come back in 3 months for another MRI to make sure everything still looks good.
We are thanking the Lord! Thank you for praying. Juju is currently enjoying a Happy Meal at McDonald’s (per her request) after a looong day 💜"
Great news, Thank you Jesus

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