Please tell ESPN I’ll start getting concerned over athletes and coaches getting Covid…



Junior Member
Jan 25, 2005
when ONE actually gets hospitalized. Hilarious how these asshats pushed ”must get vaccinated” only to see vast majority of infected being those very folks.

Locally in Knoxvile, put Jimmy Hyams and John Wilkerson in same category. They’ve been CDC (Center for Deceit and Control) sheep all damn year—evidence be damned. Idiots.
when ONE actually gets hospitalized. Hilarious how these asshats pushed ”must get vaccinated” only to see vast majority of infected being those very folks.

Locally in Knoxvile, put Jimmy Hyams and John Wilkerson in same category. They’ve been CDC (Center for Deceit and Control) sheep all damn year—evidence be damned. Idiots.

Funny, they've been walking upright and not covered in wool every time I've seen them.

People make values-based decisions we don't agree with all the time. No reason to talk like middle school students about them
Agree. Smart people would just tell the players that were in actually feeling not play. If you feel fine then go ahead and play. Players play with the flu and stomach viruses all the time. COVID should be no different. Professional and college athletes don't die from COVID. The nervous nellies will say something dumb like "Well what about if they come in contact with someone else that's not an athlete?" Well, I guess that's what those magical "vaccines" are for.....right? However, there are no smart people in charge so......

You can play all these games about trying to keep everyone "safe" and none of it works anyways. Time to get back to normal life.
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when ONE actually gets hospitalized. Hilarious how these asshats pushed ”must get vaccinated” only to see vast majority of infected being those very folks.

Locally in Knoxvile, put Jimmy Hyams and John Wilkerson in same category. They’ve been CDC (Center for Deceit and Control) sheep all damn year—evidence be damned. Idiots.

They're not worried about the players so much a they're worried about spreading.
Agree. Smart people would just tell the players that were in actually feeling not play. If you feel fine then go ahead and play. Players play with the flu and stomach viruses all the time. COVID should be no different. Professional and college athletes don't die from COVID. The nervous nellies will say something dumb like "Well what about if they come in contact with someone else that's not an athlete?" Well, I guess that's what those magical "vaccines" are for.....right? However, there are no smart people in charge so......

You can play all these games about trying to keep everyone "safe" and none of it works anyways. Time to get back to normal life.

The vaccine is not magical and not everybody can get it. The vaccine lowers risk just like limiting exposure does. There is nothing inconsistent about using both strategies to reduce risk.

Speaking as somebody who's about to lose $500 on fantasy because Dalvin Cook is out, this is just sports and it doesn't matter that much, so why are we so upset about them being cautious? The stakes here are so low.
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Yep, I missed that this was about ESPN.

They’re just worried about $$.

Yeah, but if we have ESPN personalities encouraging bowl cancelations...bowl games that will happen on their networks, then they're giving up $
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The vaccine is not magical and not everybody can get it. The vaccine lowers risk just like limiting exposure does. There is nothing inconsistent about using both strategies to reduce risk.

Speaking as somebody who's about to lose $500 on fantasy because Dalvin Cook is out, this is just sports and it doesn't matter that much, so why are we so upset about them being cautious? The stakes here are so low.

Then THOSE people should take steps to protect themselves. The vacinnes don't prevent people from spreading it at all. In fact, many of those very people have likely already had one strain or another. If it is a player that can't get the vax then they should recover just fine anyways. No pro athletes have died from COVID.
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Then THOSE people should take steps to protect themselves. The vacinnes don't prevent people from spreading it at all. In fact, many of those very people have likely already had one strain or another. If it is a player that can't get the vax then they should recover just fine anyways. No pro athletes have died from COVID.


Coaches are often not healthy. I mean, does anybody think COVID couldn't take Orgeron out? You have the training staff as well, plus everybody else who comes in contact with them. Again, it's not just about the players.

Omicron seems like nothing at this point, but most of the policies are based on the more deadly variants and we haven't adapted them.
Funny, they've been walking upright and not covered in wool every time I've seen them.

People make values-based decisions we don't agree with all the time. No reason to talk like middle school students about them

Coaches are often not healthy. I mean, does anybody think COVID couldn't take Orgeron out? You have the training staff as well, plus everybody else who comes in contact with them. Again, it's not just about the players.

Omicron seems like nothing at this point, but most of the policies are based on the more deadly variants and we haven't adapted them.
Orgeron? Something tells me Covid wouldn't be in the top 10 most dangerous things Orgeron's had in his body.

Besides, can Covid live in a .30 blood energy drink level?

Funny there was no mention of whether or not Foster, the WNBA player, or others mentioned in the piece were ever hospitalized of also had the vaccine—which can also certainly cause heart and other serious complications. Look at the increase in heart issues for soccer players all over the world.

BTW, I’m not ”anti-vaccine”—I had it myself, but would never have considered at a younger age.
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Coaches are often not healthy. I mean, does anybody think COVID couldn't take Orgeron out? You have the training staff as well, plus everybody else who comes in contact with them. Again, it's not just about the players.

Omicron seems like nothing at this point, but most of the policies are based on the more deadly variants and we haven't adapted them.

The CDC has already admitted that the vaccinated can spread the virus.

If someone like Orgeron can't get vaccinated then someone like Orgeron needs to protect themselves however they see fit.
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Its just a coincidence. Why would it just be soccer players and not other athletes? Haven't seen any NBA or NFL players collapse.
This doctor was on Rogan last week and said (the doctor said it, not Rogan) that it's affecting soccer players more because they run more than football and basketball players and it's more dangerous at a higher heart rate. That may not be true but a cardiologist said it so do we trust the science?Screenshot_20211224-155923_Spotify.jpg
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This doctor was on Rogan last week and said (the doctor said it, not Rogan) that it's affecting soccer players more because they run more than football and basketball players and it's more dangerous at a higher heart rate. That may not be true but a cardiologist said it so do we trust the science?View attachment 423138

The amount of gunshyness towards science has been the most saddening thing to come from the Covid era. And I know exactly why it has happened and am doing my absolute dead level best to not harbor resentment towards the assholes who abused the scientific method and publications for their own personal gain.
The amount of gunshyness towards science has been the most saddening thing to come from the Covid era. And I know exactly why it has happened and am doing my absolute dead level best to not harbor resentment towards the assholes who abused the scientific method and publications for their own personal gain.

Like denying natural immunity?
when ONE actually gets hospitalized. Hilarious how these asshats pushed ”must get vaccinated” only to see vast majority of infected being those very folks.

Locally in Knoxvile, put Jimmy Hyams and John Wilkerson in same category. They’ve been CDC (Center for Deceit and Control) sheep all damn year—evidence be damned. Idiots.

Masks are not effective either.
This doctor was on Rogan last week and said (the doctor said it, not Rogan) that it's affecting soccer players more because they run more than football and basketball players and it's more dangerous at a higher heart rate. That may not be true but a cardiologist said it so do we trust the science?View attachment 423138
Does he have evidence to back that claim up? I'm not sure a soccer player runs more than an NBA player...

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