Police officers ambushed... again



Commie hater
Feb 1, 2013
What a sad day we live in. I saw this one the fox news ticker this morning and when I Googled it, I actually had to look around for a few seconds. Google the black man killed by police and see who all covered it. If you dems can't see the crap the media is doing than there's absolutely no hope for you to ever see it.

3 police officers shot in Prince George's County
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What a sad day we live in. I saw this one the fox news ticker this morning and when I Googled it, I actually had to look around for a few seconds. Google the black man killed by police and see who all covered it. If you dems can't see the crap the media is doing than there's absolutely no hope for you to ever see it.

3 police officers shot in Prince George's County

Sorry, what about this shooting is "the media" responsible for? You're not articulating the connection between the two.
Sorry, what about this shooting is "the media" responsible for? You're not articulating the connection between the two.
Sorry I guess I rely too much on logic and reading comprehension... To answer your question, there's very little media coverage about this story and a ton on the one that fits their agenda.
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Sorry I guess I rely too much on logic and reading comprehension... To answer your question, there's very little media coverage about this story and a ton on the one that fits their agenda.

OK, it wasn't clear because you shored up your rambling point about "the media" not covering the story by posting a link to "the media" covering the story after seeing it on another "medias" ticker.
OK, it wasn't clear because you shored up your rambling point about "the media" not covering the story by posting a link to "the media" covering the story after seeing it on another "medias" ticker.

Oh ok, passive aggressiveness. Well the smart folk here will be able to read my post and understand the comparison and/or the correlation of why it took me longer to find one story on a (local) media page, than it did the other on any media page.

You really nailed your username, btw.
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Until politicians on the right and the left get serious about really wanting to fix this, then stuff like this will continue to happen.
1. National discipline registry for officers. Doctors have it for malpractice.
2. Pay them more thus attracting higher quality minds that can better think critically
3. Tour style shifts. x amount of weeks on patrol and x amount of weeks to decompress and engage with community programs and desk work. Offer mental evaluations as well.

Just to start, I think that minimizes the unreported harassment aspect whether it's just perceived or true.
What a sad day we live in. I saw this one the fox news ticker this morning and when I Googled it, I actually had to look around for a few seconds. Google the black man killed by police and see who all covered it. If you dems can't see the crap the media is doing than there's absolutely no hope for you to ever see it.

3 police officers shot in Prince George's County

Understand that septic and mick will support these types of deaths. This is going to happen when you want that change. Septic, mick, LG would have no problems if more cops die as long as their party gets in power. This is about the end game.
1. National discipline registry for officers. Doctors have it for malpractice.
2. Pay them more thus attracting higher quality minds that can better think critically
3. Tour style shifts. x amount of weeks on patrol and x amount of weeks to decompress and engage with community programs and desk work. Offer mental evaluations as well.

Just to start, I think that minimizes the unreported harassment aspect whether it's just perceived or true.

Maybe we should kids at a young age that its wrong to steel and kill. You're putting all the responsibility on police, lets start teaching kids right and wrong more.
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Maybe we should kids at a young age that its wrong to steel and kill. You're putting all the responsibility on police, lets start teaching kids right and wrong more.
Community programs, chief. Also, I dont disagree with regaining a moral foundation.
1. National discipline registry for officers. Doctors have it for malpractice.
2. Pay them more thus attracting higher quality minds that can better think critically
3. Tour style shifts. x amount of weeks on patrol and x amount of weeks to decompress and engage with community programs and desk work. Offer mental evaluations as well.

Just to start, I think that minimizes the unreported harassment aspect whether it's just perceived or true.

And on the other side of the coin:

1. Re-establish nuclear families and decrease the number of single parent households by ending welfare
2. Level the playing field with regards to fathers rights to have custody of children
3. Remove 501c3 status from all churches and allow ministers to actually teach their religion and build up the moral fiber of their respective communities, not be hamstrung by wanting to maintain tax exempt status by being more PC/woke in their sermons
4. Revamp family court system to help encourage two parent homes and go away from punishing or favoring one parent over the other
5. Allow corporal punishment and remove legal hurdles

Just a start
And on the other side of the coin:

1. Re-establish nuclear families and decrease the number of single parent households by ending welfare
2. Level the playing field with regards to fathers rights to have custody of children
3. Remove 501c3 status from all churches and allow ministers to actually teach their religion and build up the moral fiber of their respective communities, not be hamstrung by wanting to maintain tax exempt status by being more PC/woke in their sermons
4. Revamp family court system to help encourage two parent homes and go away from punishing or favoring one parent over the other
5. Allow corporal punishment and remove legal hurdles

Just a start
Agreed fully. I think we can all agree the issues are multilayered.
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And on the other side of the coin:

1. Re-establish nuclear families and decrease the number of single parent households by ending welfare
2. Level the playing field with regards to fathers rights to have custody of children
3. Remove 501c3 status from all churches and allow ministers to actually teach their religion and build up the moral fiber of their respective communities, not be hamstrung by wanting to maintain tax exempt status by being more PC/woke in their sermons
4. Revamp family court system to help encourage two parent homes and go away from punishing or favoring one parent over the other
5. Allow corporal punishment and remove legal hurdles

Just a start

What do you mean on #5? Like public floggings and what not?
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Cops shoot a black man in Wisconsin and this was the best he could do.
Read up on the guy lol. Open warrant, felony sexual assault, domestic abuse.
According to the criminal complaint, Blake and two women were at the Brass Monkey tavern, 1436 Junction Avenue, Saturday when Blake got into an argument with another patron and pulled a black handgun. Blake pointed the gun at the other man, and the magazine fell to the floor. The bartender told Blake to leave, and he did but then pointed the gun through the window at patrons inside the bar before walking south on Junction Avenue.
1. National discipline registry for officers. Doctors have it for malpractice.
2. Pay them more thus attracting higher quality minds that can better think critically
3. Tour style shifts. x amount of weeks on patrol and x amount of weeks to decompress and engage with community programs and desk work. Offer mental evaluations as well.

Just to start, I think that minimizes the unreported harassment aspect whether it's just perceived or true.
Independent investigation and oversight of complaints
Independent investigation and oversight of complaints
That's supposed to happen with State DOJs already. I understand you may say that's the police but no matter what group you assign to do the detective work, it would effectively become law enforcement.
And on the other side of the coin:

1. Re-establish nuclear families and decrease the number of single parent households by ending welfare
2. Level the playing field with regards to fathers rights to have custody of children
3. Remove 501c3 status from all churches and allow ministers to actually teach their religion and build up the moral fiber of their respective communities, not be hamstrung by wanting to maintain tax exempt status by being more PC/woke in their sermons
4. Revamp family court system to help encourage two parent homes and go away from punishing or favoring one parent over the other
5. Allow corporal punishment and remove legal hurdles

Just a start
Complete 180 out from the Democrat platform. It'll never work.
That's supposed to happen with State DOJs already. I understand you may say that's the police but no matter what group you assign to do the detective work, it would effectively become law enforcement.
I’m ok with it being law enforcement. I’m not ok with it being anyone within the offending department.
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