Poll: 36% believe US involved in 9/11

Our government in the past has admittedly hidden projects from the public. The atomic bomb, new weaponry etc. You add to that economic woes of gas prices on the working class and your gonna have conspiracy theorists. My favorite lately is the Alaskan pipline shutting down 400,000 barrels a day due to a corrosion issue with the pipeline. Could just as well be an expolsive device placed by a terrorist that caused the same reaction. But in the intrest of not scaring the public that that could or did happen we're told it was corrosion.
Wasn't trying to insult you but point out why the argument that we can never really know is not very convincing (to me at least).

Are people DUMB who might buy into them? No. To say otherwise is kind of contradictory of our country's system anyway.

Maybe not dumb but severly misguided. As to our country's system, each is entitled to their own truth and speech but that doesn't mean there aren't/shouldn't be consequences for it. For that 16% (if accurate) that think we planted explosives - well, yes I do think they are dumb or at least not capable of rationally examining evidence.

The moral equivalence argument just doesn't hold - yes people are entitled to believe what they want but that doesn't mean they're right, should be listened too or that their view is as valid as any other.
(volinbham @ Aug 8 said:
Wasn't trying to insult you but point out why the argument that we can never really know is not very convincing (to me at least).
Maybe not dumb but severly misguided. As to our country's system, each is entitled to their own truth and speech but that doesn't mean there aren't/shouldn't be consequences for it. For that 16% (if accurate) that think we planted explosives - well, yes I do think they are dumb or at least not capable of rationally examining evidence.

The moral equivalence argument just doesn't hold - yes people are entitled to believe what they want but that doesn't mean they're right, should be listened too or that their view is as valid as any other.

Agreed 100%.

Have you seen the Loose Change videos? They caused a lot of hysteria amongst radical lefties, and it made me think. But then I heard that the guy who made the videos is a nut conspiracist, so I wasn't worried anymore.
(VolinArizona @ Aug 8 said:
Agreed 100%.

Have you seen the Loose Change videos? They caused a lot of hysteria amongst radical lefties, and it made me think. But then I heard that the guy who made the videos is a nut conspiracist, so I wasn't worried anymore.
Have you seen "Loose Change: Second Edition" ? It debunks every single thing that was brought up in that video... and hence my "evidence, or lack thereof". There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever linking the Government to 9/11. There was also a really good Popular Mechanics article on the subject a couple of years ago.
(rwemyss @ Aug 8 said:
Have you seen "Loose Change: Second Edition" ? It debunks every single thing that was brought up in that video... and hence my "evidence, or lack thereof". There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever linking the Government to 9/11. There was also a really good Popular Mechanics article on the subject a couple of years ago.

Hence me saying I wasn't worried after more research. And yes, the Popular Mechanics article was nice.

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