Why is the "state" allowed to make sweeping life decisions for people, but not the "State?" What's the difference? I don't think either should have a say.
There is a big difference, this issue is not addressed in the constitution so then it is deferred to the 10th amendment, which then allows the state to make the decision.
I Lu lu lu luve this thread! I do not have a problem with polygamy. In fact, I do not have a problem with the families that practice polygamy that also receive WIC or Food Stamps to feed their families. It's a religious practice for those participating in it and people have freedom of religion in this country. You guys that are saying so long as they can afford it? I'm laughing in your faces b/c that's like saying to everyone "So long as you can afford to raise children, you can have sex" Hahaha! Being able to afford children and having them do not necessarily go hand in hand.
That's not what I was meaning to ask. I am asking why a state's government is so more palatable to you than the federal government? It's just a difference of scale, nothing more. They're both centralized powers.
Which is why we shouldn't have governmental programs like the ones you mentioned at all.
I agree with that. However we do so I was just sayin. We can ***** and moan about those programs all day long but they are here and people use them. And the country is a different place now, if you're gonna say we shouldn't have govt programs like those you should also say the country needs to be nicer and more helpful to one another. Churches and families need to step up. The reason I mentioned those in particular is b/c there are children involved and w/o those programs some of those kids wouldn't get the nutrition they need so now that we've got them we have to maintain them. I'd say WIC and Food Stamps are the more clean of all the programs.