Possible Solution To Helping Athletes Financially



True Orange
Jan 14, 2008
First, I will acknowledge that in a group of athletes, as in our society in general, there will be a certain number prone to cheating, no matter what legal solution is available.

In the situation we now find ourselves with the Yahoo story, if true, indicates rules were broken. The rules are known, and there is no acceptable excuse for breaking them. However, it has been suggested by some that Mo Couch needed money due to financial burdens of being married and having a child to care for.

I do not agree with paying athletes. They get a free ride to play the games they love, with an opportunity to make lots of money later.

However, the NCAA could authorize each school to set up a fund with a maximum amount so that every school could afford it; make it fully transparent with oversight by a combination of athletic department and academic personnel monitoring and approving any transaction. The fund would be used for emergencies or urgent needs by athletes and could be administered as loans or as gifts, but would possibly eliminated some instances of athletes turning to sleazeballs for money needs. All transactions would be reported to NCAA monthly or weekly in order for any individual transaction to be investigated, if necessary.

This would take away the excuse of needing money with nowhere to turn, and coaches would have a legal means of helping players take care of problems.

Details could be refined, but it would be a start.
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Free room, board, gym, and education. They don't need anything else. Maybe their parents should have been smarter when raising their kid(s). Maybe they should have worked a job in High School and saved up money. Maybe they should get a part time job (erghmagawd!) in college...
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Are CFB players allowed to carry a PT job in college?

Yes, but between school and practice that doesn't leave a lot of time to do that.

What they need to do is instead of punishing the Schools and Agents, they need to punish the students such as losing a year or two of eligibility! THAT would help keep them and their family from talking to agents.
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Yes, but between school and practice that doesn't leave a lot of time to do that.

What they need to do is instead of punishing the Schools and Agents, they need to punish the students such as losing a year or two of eligibility! THAT would help keep them and their family from talking to agents.

Paying college athletes is inevitable.

They will never wipe out a year's eligibility because these kids are the show. You think the networks are gonna be cool with Johnny Manziel NOT playing this year? TV runs this sport. Let's admit this.

We will pay college athletes. The media is now behind it and it we really just can't do this charade any more. It's not a matter of ""If" it's a matter of "When."

Yes, but between school and practice that doesn't leave a lot of time to do that.

What they need to do is instead of punishing the Schools and Agents, they need to punish the students such as losing a year or two of eligibility! THAT would help keep them and their family from talking to agents.

no all should be punished. agents get jail time they would stop. players who make it get kicked out of nfl and the players who dont make it (they the ones usually telling) get jail time it would stop or atleast slow down. never stop monet root of all evil.
Free room, board, gym, and education. They don't need anything else. Maybe their parents should have been smarter when raising their kid(s). Maybe they should have worked a job in High School and saved up money. Maybe they should get a part time job (erghmagawd!) in college...

Nearly impossible. I agree that they already have a lot, which is why I don't think they should get money.

I think they should be allowed to free meals on campus, and surrounding. Give them a card to swipe wherever they are grabbing food. Give them a Kroger or Publix gift card, enough for groceries for the semester.

Basically for everything they can't afford because of practice and school but somehow MAKE SURE that's what they are spending the money on.
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no all should be punished. agents get jail time they would stop. players who make it get kicked out of nfl and the players who dont make it (they the ones usually telling) get jail time it would stop or atleast slow down. never stop monet root of all evil.

when have those things been a deterrent? we have a justice system now that criminals pretty much ignore...
The only solution must begin by first identifying the actual problem. The actual problem is much bigger than what is in the OP, therefore the solution is out of reach.

What is the problem IMHO.
You have a system built upon racketeering, blacklisting, and collusion by so called non-profession entities, colleges, and professional entities.
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Free room, board, gym, and education. They don't need anything else. Maybe their parents should have been smarter when raising their kid(s). Maybe they should have worked a job in High School and saved up money. Maybe they should get a part time job (erghmagawd!) in college...

If they get paid then everyone that plays any sport will have to get paid if not many lawsuits. Who will provide all this money.
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If they get paid then everyone that plays any sport will have to get paid if not many lawsuits. Who will provide all this money.

Do you know how much money can be made from one football game?

Lesser sport athletes will need to be paid as well, but not as much. Their sport doesn't generate the money. They don't get the same cut.
Paying college athletes is inevitable.

They will never wipe out a year's eligibility because these kids are the show. You think the networks are gonna be cool with Johnny Manziel NOT playing this year? TV runs this sport. Let's admit this.

We will pay college athletes. The media is now behind it and it we really just can't do this charade any more. It's not a matter of ""If" it's a matter of "When."


I agree with everything you said with the exception of your last sentence. It's not just "When", it is also "How".
Nearly impossible. I agree that they already have a lot, which is why I don't think they should get money.

I think they should be allowed to free meals on campus, and surrounding. Give them a card to swipe wherever they are grabbing food. Give them a Kroger or Publix gift card, enough for groceries for the semester.

Basically for everything they can't afford because of practice and school but somehow MAKE SURE that's what they are spending the money on.

I am pretty sure the Football team eats at their own cafeteria and its stocked with food. Several videos by the nutritionist they have on youtube.
The problem is most people don't want to hear the truth... which is this whole sports thing in the U.S. is an unofficial sponsored criminal enterprise... if this was going on in any other industry, most of the people running these so called non-profession and/or not for profits would be facing indictments. Until someone comes in and bust this whole thing up, nothing will be solved.
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My idea of paying athletes will be a little different than how others presume we should. There should be a fraction of all revenues that are generated from the athletic department specifically set aside for the athletes.

These funds would be split between each athlete equally that participates in a revenue generating sport. The funds will be placed into an interest-bearing account until such time the athlete leaves the university. Therefore, the university would not directly pay the athlete until such time he/she leaves the university.

Just my two pennies.
My idea of paying athletes will be a little different than how others presume we should. There should be a fraction of all revenues that are generated from the athletic department specifically set aside for the athletes.

These funds would be split between each athlete equally that participates in a revenue generating sport. The funds will be placed into an interest-bearing account until such time the athlete leaves the university. Therefore, the university would not directly pay the athlete until such time he/she leaves the university.

Just my two pennies.

And if I want to give Jeremy Hill $50,000 of my own money that is cool too.

The problem with going down this road is you are not addressing the problem. I assure you all involved will protect their revenue stream, your suggestion is a threat to the revenue stream as things will not stop there.

Long-term it's a losing battle for them, but it is fun to watch.
And if I want to give Jeremy Hill $50,000 of my own money that is cool too.

The problem with going down this road is you are not addressing the problem. I assure you all involved will protect their revenue stream, your suggestion is a threat to the revenue stream as things will not stop there.

Long-term it's a losing battle for them, but it is fun to watch.

I agree but that's the problem. As long as you do not have a financial incentive inside these institutions, you will forever have the issue of outside boosters and agents giving these kids money. The NCAA should set up policies that allow for schools to pay athletes fairly across the board in an appropriate way and harshly punish athletes that take outside benefits.

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