Post game quotes

Agreed. And he actually went thru his progressions on a couple of plays. He the only hope to keep watching every week.

This. He went thru his progressions more in 1 drive than I have seen JG do in a career.

He also was comfortable letting a pocket form around him. He didn't get flustered by it.
If firing the DL coach (allegedly) saved Pruitt’s job why wouldn’t starting Bailey actually save it? One of these ultimatums would actually make sense. I mean if Pruitt can fire a D line coach and the defense could get worse then how could switching QBs on the most boring underachieving offense in college football make things worse? Making the switch should be the first thing but it will end up being his last.
Dead man walking in the press conference. Just listen to it. It's obvious.

The only problem is the corpse of Jeremy Pruitt is still going to be the coach in 2021. Just waiting for that buyout check. Will probably attempt to lose all the remaining games in order to get it.
Did anyone else feel that Pruitts comments of "JG played hard and managed the game well" and "Bailey needs to practice hard and show out in practice" when asked if there is going to be a QB battle this week not feel like he was setting us up for a JG start next week?

Of course JG starts next week. He didnt pull him because of his play, he pulled him because he didn't want him to be damaged emotionally by playing the full game to a loss, again.

JG will have another "good week" at practice, and will be back on the field Saturday.

Pruitt's ego has him fully committed to his idiocy.
He's already got one foot out the door. He's going to mail in 2021 like Butch did 2017.
Maybe Pruitt can be fired with cause for being willfully disobedience and refusing to follow the rules when it comes to wearing a mask. He was seen multiple times tonight not wearing his mask and has already cost the school fines for not following the rules.
Well one thing I’ve learned is, if Pruitt says this player had an awesome practice then they may well be the worse player on the team. I’m an old man and can’t remember ever having a 2 or 3 win season. That’s grounds for immediate termination.
Dead man walking in the press conference. Just listen to it. It's obvious.

The only problem is the corpse of Jeremy Pruitt is still going to be the coach in 2021. Just waiting for that buyout check. Will probably attempt to lose all the remaining games in order to get it.

I don’t think he’ll get fired. I’ll be willing to bet Bailey comes out strong for the remainder of this year and starting next year he shows out. Pruitt’s a** will be saved by that kid.

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