Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

This is such a joke ..... We have the same clowns posting BS from The Gateway Pundit, John Solomon's "Leading Report" and something called "KanekoatheGreat" ..... for 3 years. You are all on an epic level of being belligerently stupid, ignorant, uneducated, gullible and pathetic.

Is the article wrong?
Is the article wrong?
Yes .... Completely. It's the same old crap that has been debunked here countless times for 3 years now.

Look at these sources .... Seriously? You really think The Gateway Pundit and "KanekoaThe Great" have all the answers .... while no attorneys for Trump's campaign or attorneys for Rudy Giuliani would dare bring this recycled garbage up in court, where there could be consequences for law licenses? You really shouldn't be THIS gullible.
Is the article wrong?

Missing a lot of context. Appeals court unanimously stated...

"The Plaintiffs have not identified any information that is both essential to their claims and that cannot be gleaned from other witnesses,” the ruling reads. “Although the Plaintiffs point to public statements the Secretary has made about the litigation, the Secretary’s public statements do not in themselves create an extraordinary" circumstance that requires his personal testimony.”
Missing a lot of context. Appeals court unanimously stated...

"The Plaintiffs have not identified any information that is both essential to their claims and that cannot be gleaned from other witnesses,” the ruling reads. “Although the Plaintiffs point to public statements the Secretary has made about the litigation, the Secretary’s public statements do not in themselves create an extraordinary" circumstance that requires his personal testimony.”
These people will complain about the biases of CNN and CBS News, but then post crap from The Gateway Pundit. It's not a bias that they have a problem with. In an echo chamber, biases are welcome, as long as they support the belief system of the overwhelming majority.
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Yes .... Completely. It's the same old crap that has been debunked here countless times for 3 years now.

Look at these sources .... Seriously? You really think The Gateway Pundit and "KanekoaThe Great" have all the answers .... while no attorneys for Trump's campaign or attorneys for Rudy Giuliani would dare bring this recycled garbage up in court, where there could be consequences for law licenses? You really shouldn't be THIS gullible.

If the Rs had a smoking gun that showed widespread, D-coordinated fraud, they absolutely would drop it on them in an instant.

For example, the Rs found out the Fords were using dead people to vote in Memphis and they blasted the Ds into next week in the courts and forced new elections..
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If the Rs had a smoking gun that showed widespread, D-coordinated fraud, they absolutely would drop it on them in an instant.
Attorneys for Trump, Fox News and Rudy Giuliani have never once alleged that 2020 election fraud actually occurred while they were in court. They wouldn't dare .... because they can't prove it. There could be consequences for them professionally, which they aren't willing to risk.

It's the same old crap .... they are all talk and no results. Rudy Giuliani said he had proof of fraud committed by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. Giuliani even said he would testify to this in court. Did he? Of course not. It's been 3 years of this non-stop bull $hit.

It's funny that the voters didn't seem to have a problem with the job he did, when he was re-elected in November of 2022.

Attorneys for Trump, Fox News and Rudy Giuliani have never once alleged that 2020 election fraud actually occurred while they were in court. They wouldn't dare .... because they can't prove it. There could be consequences for them professionally, which they aren't willing to risk.

It's the same old crap .... they are all talk and no results. Rudy Giuliani said he had proof of fraud committed by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. Giuliani even said he would testify to this in court. Did he? Of course not. It's been 3 years of this non-stop bull $hit.

I'll tie this back to football. You are in a position of power and someone gives you rock-solid smoking gun NCAA violation evidence that would embarrass Alabama, give you more money, more prestige, and more power, would you act on it?

There isn't a person here that wouldn't do that. The fact that R leadership isn't acting on Kaneoka and Catturd's evidence means it's not what it's cracked up to be...
Missing a lot of context. Appeals court unanimously stated...

"The Plaintiffs have not identified any information that is both essential to their claims and that cannot be gleaned from other witnesses,” the ruling reads. “Although the Plaintiffs point to public statements the Secretary has made about the litigation, the Secretary’s public statements do not in themselves create an extraordinary" circumstance that requires his personal testimony.”

Is the article wrong about the vulnerability of the voting machines and GA delaying the fix? I’m not talking about the minutiae, just the glaring bright elephant in the room.
Is the article wrong about the vulnerability of the voting machines and GA delaying the fix? I’m not talking about the minutiae, just the glaring bright elephant in the room.

This has been discussed on here many times before. It's the same things being re-hashed over and over .... As is always the case here, additional relevant information has been omitted due to the political agenda of the reporting outlet.

From the Summary portion :

"This advisory identifies vulnerabilities affecting versions of the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite ImageCast X, which is an in-person voting system used to allow voters to mark their ballot. The ImageCast X can be configured to allow a voter to produce a paper record or to record votes electronically. While these vulnerabilities present a risk that should be mitigated as soon as possible, CISA has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited in any elections.

Exploitation of these vulnerabilities would require physical access to individual ImageCast X devices, access to the Election Management System (EMS), or the ability to modify files before they are uploaded to ImageCast X devices. Jurisdictions can prevent and/or detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities by diligently applying the mitigations recommended in this advisory, including technical, physical, and operational controls that limit unauthorized access or manipulation of voting systems. Many of these mitigations are already typically standard practice in jurisdictions where these devices are in use and can be enhanced to further guard against exploitation of these vulnerabilities.


The extremes that Republicans/conservatives/Trump supporters have gone to in order to pacify the egotistical needs of a narcissist and prolific liar such as Donald Trump have cemented my assertion that the Republican Party is now a Cult of Personality = The Cult of Trump.

You know he is pathologically dishonest. You should also be able to see for yourselves, based on Trump's lengthy track record of blaming electoral setbacks on fraud, that there is not a scenario or a set of conditions in which Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing the defeat to election fraud or to his opponent having cheated .... and yet, you have carried water for him for 3 years now. It is beyond pathetic. You are a cult of mindless sheep.

This has been discussed on here many times before. It's the same things being re-hashed over and over .... As is always the case here, additional relevant information has been omitted due to the political agenda of the reporting outlet.

From the Summary portion :

"This advisory identifies vulnerabilities affecting versions of the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite ImageCast X, which is an in-person voting system used to allow voters to mark their ballot. The ImageCast X can be configured to allow a voter to produce a paper record or to record votes electronically. While these vulnerabilities present a risk that should be mitigated as soon as possible, CISA has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited in any elections.

Exploitation of these vulnerabilities would require physical access to individual ImageCast X devices, access to the Election Management System (EMS), or the ability to modify files before they are uploaded to ImageCast X devices. Jurisdictions can prevent and/or detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities by diligently applying the mitigations recommended in this advisory, including technical, physical, and operational controls that limit unauthorized access or manipulation of voting systems. Many of these mitigations are already typically standard practice in jurisdictions where these devices are in use and can be enhanced to further guard against exploitation of these vulnerabilities.


The extremes that Republicans/conservatives/Trump supporters have gone to in order to pacify the egotistical needs of a narcissist and prolific liar such as Donald Trump have cemented my assertion that the Republican Party is now a Cult of Personality = The Cult of Trump.

You know he is pathologically dishonest. You should also be able to see for yourselves, based on Trump's lengthy track record of blaming electoral setbacks on fraud, that there is not a scenario or a set of conditions in which Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing the defeat to election fraud or to his opponent having cheated .... and yet, you have carried water for him for 3 years now. It is beyond pathetic. You are a cult of mindless sheep.

So they haven’t fixed the vulnerabilities after almost 4 years?
So they haven’t fixed the vulnerabilities after almost 4 years?

Read what it says .... There is no evidence that these vulnerabilities have resulted in fraud .... and as standard practice, there are already mitigations in place to combat these vulnerabilities. This is a stretch to say the least. I understand that after coming away with nothing for 3 years, the MAGA clown show would be getting desperate. I also understand that there will come a time when a Democrat will lose an election and resort to these same extremes .... and the MAGA clown shown won't like it.

I can remember a time when Republicans actually had the audacity to accuse Hillary Clinton and Democrats of being sore losers. Damn, that seems like such a joke now. Whatever moral high ground Republicans had on the subject of being sore losers in 2019 has been blown to hell over the last 3 years.
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Read what it says .... There is no evidence that these vulnerabilities have resulted in fraud .... and as standard practice, there are already mitigations in place to combat these vulnerabilities. This is a stretch to say the least. I understand that after coming away with nothing for 3 years, the MAGA clown show would be getting desperate. I also understand that there will come a time when a Democrat will lose an election and resort to these same extremes .... and the MAGA clown shown won't like it.

I can remember a time when Republicans actually had the audacity to accuse Hillary Clinton and Democrats of being sore losers. Damn, that seems like such a joke now. Whatever moral high ground Republicans had on the subject of being sore losers in 2019 has been blown to hell over the last 3 years.

So they’re not going to worry about known vulnerabilities until there is evidence of fraud?

That’s like not locking your door until after you’ve been robbed.
So they’re not going to worry about known vulnerabilities until there is evidence of fraud?

That’s like not locking your door until after you’ve been robbed.
That's not what it means at all. For these "vulnerabilities" to be exploited, physical access to the devices would be required. There are already existing measures in place to safeguard against this. The door should already be locked.
Maybe because he knowingly covered for 2020 election fraud.
^^^^ How a cult member must think. ^^^^

The egotistical needs of the cult leader must be of the highest priority, with the cult leader's belief system strictly adhered to, even when those beliefs are illogical, unreasonable and without any basis in established fact.

Republicans will believe literally ANYTHING that Donald Trump says without scrutiny, even though they are each individually aware of his character flaws. They must believe what he says and strictly abide by it, because that is the litmus test for membership in the Republican Party now. It's not about policy, ideology or a value system anymore for Republicans. Republican Party membership is now completely defined by the unconditional devotion and subservience to Donald Trump ..... one of the most prolific liars in public life in the year 2024.
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What is their evidence for this?
That question will always go unanswered .... because there is no evidence in support of it.

The cult members know what the truth is, but they are too emotionally invested in the cult leader to face the inconvenient truths. Their identity is predicated on the cult leader being righteous, in spite of his known flaws.

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