Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

^^^^ 100% Completely Legit ^^^^

LOL. ... but you're not in a cult, RIGHT? You suckers will believe any damn thing, from any damn source, which serves your leader's narrative.

Pee tapes, Russian collusion, Hunters laptop is russian disinformation, Ashley Bidens diary was forged. You fell hook line and sinker for all of that.
^^^^ LOL. Yep. You guys are not a cult. ^^^^

Even without one scintilla of evidence, I guarantee you this mindless drone probably believes this. PATHETIC.

Why do you think it is your job to ridicule people that don't think exactly like you?

Can you honestly say that there was no appearance of impropriety in the 2020 election?

Without a paper trail how can you be so sure that nothing nefarious happened?

How can you not see that sending out mass mail-in-ballots to those that did not ask for them, without verifying and cleaning up the voter rolls first, was not a good idea and it could have led to massive fraud?

If you had gone to bed with Biden in the lead in the swing states only to wake up to seeing Trump won them all, would you not be at least a little suspicious? Would you not wonder why republican governors, republican SoS's, and republican appointed judges, summarily dismissed you concerns and just said there is nothing to see here. Would you not be suspicious of the government agencies that seemed to fight you tooth and nail to keep you from verifying signatures or residences?

If you have no paper trail to match to the actual votes, verifying signatures are not allowed, and you are labeled a conspiracy theorist or "pathetic" anytime you question the government, how in the world could anyone PROVE fraud? It would be nearly impossible.

All these reasons are exactly why some believe the election was stolen from Trump. I am smart enough to know that I don't know and that it is too late now anyway. Let people believe how they want.
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Can you honestly say that there was no appearance of impropriety in the 2020 election?
I can honestly say that there is no evidence of systemic fraud, significant enough in nature, to have altered the outcome of even one state which Trump/Pence lost in the 2020 Presidential Election .... let alone some combination of 3 swing states which they would have needed to reach 270 electoral college votes.

Without a paper trail how can you be so sure that nothing nefarious happened?
There is a paper trail from the recorded votes. Which jurisdiction are you talking about specifically? There have been audits, recounts and an intense degree of scrutiny of the 2020 Presidential Election results, including a highly partisan recount of the results in Maricopa County, Arizona which resulted in Joe Biden adding to his victory total.

That is beside the point, anyway. How can you be so sure, based on the existing evidence, that something nefarious DID happen? You can't. You simply want it to be true, because you wanted Trump to win in the first place. This crap has been going on for 3 damn years now. You need to get yourselves a life.
How can you not see that sending out mass mail-in-ballots to those that did not ask for them, without verifying and cleaning up the voter rolls first, was not a good idea and it could have led to massive fraud?
There is no evidence that voting by mail led to any additional fraud that you don't typically see during the average election cycle. This is what you want to believe. You are emotional about it. That is why you can't understand why I need evidence, when all you need is suspicion.

If you had gone to bed with Biden in the lead in the swing states only to wake up to seeing Trump won them all, would you not be at least a little suspicious?
Not if I understood where the remaining votes were coming from in Michigan and Pennsylvania ... from districts favorable to Democrats. That is an ignorant source of suspicion. You wanted to be suspicious. You are closed-minded and insular.
Would you not wonder why republican governors, republican SoS's, and republican appointed judges, summarily dismissed you concerns and just said there is nothing to see here.
Those Republicans rejecting the Trump Campaign's arguments should only serve to alleviate any concern that Trump had been treated unfairly ... but instead, you just see it as yet another source of suspicion.
If you have no paper trail to match to the actual votes,
There are paper trails. Which jurisdiction are you referring to?
All these reasons are exactly why some believe the election was stolen from Trump.
Willful ignorance, bias and serving the egotistical needs of a narcissist are the reasons that some people believe that the election was stolen from Trump.

There is not a scenario or a set conditions or circumstances from which Donald Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing his defeat to either some form of fraud or to his opponent having cheated. Trump even signals his intention to cry foul way before the election is even held ... and yet, his followers still go along with it every single time he does it. It is a combination of ignorance and being gullible. Republicans are a cult.
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Pee tapes, Russian collusion, Hunters laptop is russian disinformation, Ashley Bidens diary was forged. You fell hook line and sinker for all of that.
LOL. I have never said a word about "pee tapes." The only thing I ever talked about much in regards to the Mueller probe was the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, which did take place ... even though both Trump and Trump Jr. lied about it's purpose and who was in attendance at the meeting.

In many threads, I have been critical of the Steele Dossier and of the Hillary Clinton Campaign for helping to fund it. I also think it's more than reasonable for me to say that I'm far more critical of Joe Biden on this forum, than the Republican Party echo chamber is of Donald Trump.
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Again, if R leadership in GA and AZ (as well as in the MI and PA counties where Trump underperformed in 2020 va 2016) had solid proof to prove D fraud, they absolutely would have unleased it to prevent the Vegatable and Heels Up from taking power....
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Rs have caught the Ds cheating before (here in Memphis with the Fords). There was a new set of elections after that outrage...

If the Rs are going to file suit for a State House of Reps job, you absolutely know they will for the POTUS...
Again, if R leadership in GA and AZ (as well as in the MI and PA counties where Trump underperformed in 2020 va 2016) had solid proof to prove D fraud, they absolutely would have unleased it to prevent the Vegatable and Heels Up from taking power....
Here is something that I still don't believe the Republican echo chamber on VolNation understands ...

Even if you flip both of the two most heavily contested states, which Biden won, over to Trump's column (Georgia and Arizona) .... Biden still has the 270 electoral college votes needed to win.

So what other state could reasonably be expected to flip?

Biden won Wisconsin by more than 20,000 votes.
Biden won Nevada by more than 38,000 votes.
Biden won Pennsylvania by more than 80,000 votes.
Biden won Michigan by more than 140,000 votes.

The 2020 Presidential Election was not as close as they think it was.
Again, if R leadership in GA and AZ (as well as in the MI and PA counties where Trump underperformed in 2020 va 2016) had solid proof to prove D fraud, they absolutely would have unleased it to prevent the Vegatable and Heels Up from taking power....
The notion that Gabriel Sterling, Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp are all biased against Donald Trump is absurd. They are Republicans. Governor Brian Kemp campaigned for Trump twice!
I can honestly say that there is no evidence of systemic fraud, significant enough in nature, to have altered the outcome of even one state which Trump/Pence lost in the 2020 Presidential Election .... let alone some combination of 3 swing states which they would have needed to reach 270 electoral college votes.

There is a paper trail from the recorded votes. Which jurisdiction are you talking about specifically? There have been audits, recounts and an intense degree of scrutiny of the 2020 Presidential Election results, including a highly partisan recount of the results in Maricopa County, Arizona which resulted in Joe Biden adding to his victory total.

That is beside the point, anyway. How can you be so sure, based on the existing evidence, that something nefarious DID happen? You can't. You simply want it to be true, because you wanted Trump to win in the first place. This crap has been going on for 3 damn years now. You need to get yourselves a life.

There is no evidence that voting by mail led to any additional fraud that you don't typically see during the average election cycle. This is what you want to believe. You are emotional about it. That is why you can't understand why I need evidence, when all you need is suspicion.

Not if I understood where the remaining votes were coming from in Michigan and Pennsylvania ... from districts favorable to Democrats. That is an ignorant source of suspicion. You wanted to be suspicious. You are closed-minded and insular.

Those Republicans rejecting the Trump Campaign's arguments should only serve to alleviate any concern that Trump had been treated unfairly ... but instead, you just see it as yet another source of suspicion.

There are paper trails. Which jurisdiction are you referring to?

Willful ignorance, bias and serving the egotistical needs of a narcissist are the reasons that some people believe that the election was stolen from Trump.

There is not a scenario or a set conditions or circumstances from which Donald Trump could ever lose an election without completely attributing his defeat to either some form of fraud or to his opponent having cheated. Trump even signals his intention to cry foul way before the election is even held ... and yet, his followers still go along with it every single time he does it. It is a combination of ignorance and being gullible. Republicans are a cult.
When you say there is a paper trail, you must mean a paper trail of vote totals from the computer. There is no longer an actual paper trail in most precincts- physical ballots. I know I haven't filled out a paper ballot in decades. I can only imagine it is that way everywhere now.

I clearly stated that I nor anyone else can prove fraud without being able to verify signatures or match paper ballots to computer totals. You say you need evidence but then won't agree that there is no way to get evidence based on the way we did things in 2020. Somehow, me believing that there should be an easy way to verify all ballots makes me emotional.

I don't think I was emotional at all in my post, but you sure seem to be. You rant and call other pathetic, emotional, closed-minded, insular, willfully ignorant, gullible, and cultish.

Just so you know, I think Trump was a bad president. He let his ego and mouth ruin his potential. An openly hostile republican house did not help him either. Biden is worse than Trump. In fact, Obama was just as bad a Trump, Bush II was horrible as well, and Clinton was not that great but at least he moved to the middle when forced to by Newt. IMO, we have had a run of horrible-to-bad presidents since 88 or 92 (some say since 61), and next year we get to add 4 more years to the horrible total no matter which one wins.
^^^^ LOL. Yep. You guys are not a cult. ^^^^

Even without one scintilla of evidence, I guarantee you this mindless drone probably believes this. PATHETIC.
There is a difference of a cult leader. The difference is for ex: you believe in electrical vehicles, my president believes in oil and gas. You know that once we go to electric vehicles that the gov can control you right? You better hope Trump wins to stop this controlling. Your electric vehicle won’t be able to run in the winter anyways, so there ya go. Pathetic.
I think it's great you're a Republican, from die hard conservative ideology. If you really love this country, no way you can proudly support Trump. If you don't really care for him, but think he's a better option than Biden, then I get it. They're both PsOS.
Very die hard. One thing that I think I’m really conservative about is this country being rich again. For ex: if Trump would’ve still been in office with the tariffs, he could’ve in due time wiped out the 33 trillion in debt. He paid the farmers with China’s tariff money coming in of 84 billion dollars. That is just one ex. etc.
Very die hard. One thing that I think I’m really conservative about is this country being rich again. For ex: if Trump would’ve still been in office with the tariffs, he could’ve in due time wiped out the 33 trillion in debt. He paid the farmers with China’s tariff money coming in of 84 billion dollars. That is just one ex. etc.

The deficit on 1/19/17 was $19,944,429,217,107. All he did was grow it at an unprecedented rate....
Very die hard. One thing that I think I’m really conservative about is this country being rich again. For ex: if Trump would’ve still been in office with the tariffs, he could’ve in due time wiped out the 33 trillion in debt. He paid the farmers with China’s tariff money coming in of 84 billion dollars. That is just one ex. etc.

This is a primary example of cultish beliefs. The Cult of Trump believes in fantasies such as this ^^^^ which are not the least bit grounded in reality.

Donald Trump was an out of control spender. His most irresponsible budget proposals were those he put forth while Republicans were in control of both chambers of Congress during his first two years in office.

You are either ignorant, or delusional .... either way, your belief that Trump was going to eliminate the debt is deeply cultish in nature. You have made my point better than I ever could have done by myself. Thank you.
There is a difference of a cult leader. The difference is for ex: you believe in electrical vehicles, my president believes in oil and gas. You know that once we go to electric vehicles that the gov can control you right? You better hope Trump wins to stop this controlling. Your electric vehicle won’t be able to run in the winter anyways, so there ya go. Pathetic.
You are a nut.
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Very die hard. One thing that I think I’m really conservative about is this country being rich again. For ex: if Trump would’ve still been in office with the tariffs, he could’ve in due time wiped out the 33 trillion in debt. He paid the farmers with China’s tariff money coming in of 84 billion dollars. That is just one ex. etc.

I don’t think you understand who pays the tariffs.
Very die hard. One thing that I think I’m really conservative about is this country being rich again. For ex: if Trump would’ve still been in office with the tariffs, he could’ve in due time wiped out the 33 trillion in debt. He paid the farmers with China’s tariff money coming in of 84 billion dollars. That is just one ex. etc.

Trump didn’t wipe a single penny off the US debt. He ballooned it with COVID bucks, which is what set off inflation to begin with.

It’s mathematically impossible to expand the money supply in an environment where productivity is shrinking and not get inflation.
Very die hard. One thing that I think I’m really conservative about is this country being rich again. For ex: if Trump would’ve still been in office with the tariffs, he could’ve in due time wiped out the 33 trillion in debt. He paid the farmers with China’s tariff money coming in of 84 billion dollars. That is just one ex. etc.
Jesus. He handed out over $ 2 trillion dollars in covid stimulus. Stop. And after losing the election, and Biden handed out about $1.9 trillion dollars, he said he would have given more. But man he was going to get that debt wasn't he?
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Does the twatter person know the difference between a caucus and an election?
I’m just wondering if the racist that posted that realizes that’s the middle of Iowa. Just like some areas of the country would be guaranteed to not be all white, some areas are guaranteed to be all white or close to it.
LOL. No.

I don't know where in the living hell you got that. It wasn't from anything I have said.

I have acknowledged that Democrats were guilty of being sore losers following the 2016 Presidential Election .... and for a brief period of time, Republicans had the moral high ground on how to handle losing elections ... but Trump and his followers have completely thrown that moral superiority away in the last 3 years. You have no room to complain about how Democrats handle losing again .... EVER.
So this is you admitting you were taken for a ride with all that Russian nonsense. Good for you BB.
Spoken by someone who believes every single word that Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani have ever said about the 2020 Presidential Election .... and without even a hint of irony behind it.

... and your dumb a$$ wants to talk about self-awareness?
So now the puppet, no puppet thing you always love to say. That’s what I love about you BB. You always accuse others of what you’re doing.
Very die hard. One thing that I think I’m really conservative about is this country being rich again. For ex: if Trump would’ve still been in office with the tariffs, he could’ve in due time wiped out the 33 trillion in debt. He paid the farmers with China’s tariff money coming in of 84 billion dollars. That is just one ex. etc.
That didn't happen as you said, but that is cool
There is a difference of a cult leader. The difference is for ex: you believe in electrical vehicles, my president believes in oil and gas. You know that once we go to electric vehicles that the gov can control you right? You better hope Trump wins to stop this controlling. Your electric vehicle won’t be able to run in the winter anyways, so there ya go. Pathetic.

You sound like you're one step away from buying land in rural Idaho, going off the grid and forming a militia.

Electric cars are being foisted by Biden for control? Yikes. Might be time for you to take a step back, all that Newsmax may require a dosage adjustment to your meds. Seriously, seek competent help, now.

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