Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Smokey, if you want to be an intentionally ignorant twit, be my guest. I gave you a few points which taken together makes EVIDENCE. If you want to look at it and not see a potential for fraud, that’s fine. It’s not illegal to be a dullard.
If you want evidence of potential voter fraud then you can look all over the country on both sides. Incompetence doesn’t automatically=voter fraud. What you posted was not direct evidence
Just a thought...but why does a cryptic reference in a 50 year old’s high school annual make convincing evidence for one man’s charge while an actual pattern of deceptive behavior inconsistent with the state law should be discarded until you see the smoking gun?
If this is aimed at me you’re way off....
Voter suppression is much easier to pull and they know it (and many of them approve of it). Each vote that is not cast because of suppression is just as bad as a fraudulent vote. In fact, a suppressed vote is perhaps worse from an individual rights perspective (being denied the right to vote vs. having the power of legitimate votes diluted)
Not being able to fill out your birthday correctly or spell your name is far from voter suppression. Just because a large % of Democrats are too stupid to do even basic adult things is nobodies fault but their own.
Just saw on the news where a judge ruled for ours that every vote Myst be counted, even if they didn't fill out the info on the registration. Yet, I had to show my ID, and have it scanned. Seems like only certain people are required to go by the rules, and one side can do whatever.
This is what I found on this. *don't like using a generic noun twice but too lazy to fix* Judge rules some absentee ballots must be counted in Georgia gubernatorial election
"Jones ruled that each county's certified vote tally must include absentee ballots on which the voter's date of birth is missing or incorrect, an order that stems from a request in a lawsuit filed by the Abrams campaign over the weekend. However, Jones declined Democratic requests to extend the period during which evidence could be submitted to prove the eligibility of voters who cast provisional ballots. He also declined to order that provisional ballots cast by voters who went to a precinct in the wrong county be counted. "
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What was fallacious about what I said? Nothing.

Your side bitches about voter ID because MANY can’t and shouldn’t be able to legally obtain an ID, for obvious reasons that are damaging to our republic.

You’re damn right, I don’t want the integrity of our political processes undermined by partisan politics, all because you can’t develop a cogent platform and win. Seriously, what is the left’s platform? A Hispanic horse who doesn’t have the sense to get out of the friggin’ rain (“you just pay for it!”)? Old ass, washed up Schumer types? Deride and divide is not a winning platform. Remember basket of deplorables? You may not like Trump, even I don’t like everything about the guy and have said he needs to STFU and stay off the twittersphere (much like you), but America spoke loud and clear. I suggest your side develop a platform and dole out a candidate who can execute it. I don’t believe y’all can, though.

What are you? A pecker gnat. You called this a ****ty thread yet here you are buzzing around it like a green fly on a cow patty.
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Report: Florida Democrats Urged Voters to Submit Absentee Ballots After Election Day Using Altered Forms

Florida Democrats urged voters to submit absentee ballots after Election Day, using an official form that had been altered to make it look like they were doing so within the legal deadline, hoping a judge would later allow the votes.

That attempt to add Democratic votes, which critics say is possible election fraud, was reported Thursday morning by Ana Ceballos of the Naples Daily News, who notes the scheme has already been reported to federal prosecutors.

Report: Florida Democrats Urged Voters to Submit Absentee Ballots After Election Day Using Altered Forms | Breitbart

That's an accusation, not evidence. Breitbart (LOL) didn't even name names.
Just a thought...but why does a cryptic reference in a 50 year old’s high school annual make convincing evidence for one man’s charge while an actual pattern of deceptive behavior inconsistent with the state law should be discarded until you see the smoking gun?

If I remember correctly the Left pushed for a thorough investigation of that accusation. No one on the Right is calling for an investigation of fraud because they know none will be found. Without an investigation the Right can just keep talking about it.

I welcome a complete and thorough investigation by the DOJ into voter fraud nationwide.
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Not being able to fill out your birthday correctly or spell your name is far from voter suppression. Just because a large % of Democrats are too stupid to do even basic adult things is nobodies fault but their own.
How can that be? With all that superior government education that luther touts constantly it seems impossible that democrats cant spell their own name.
Report: Florida Democrats Urged Voters to Submit Absentee Ballots After Election Day Using Altered Forms

Florida Democrats urged voters to submit absentee ballots after Election Day, using an official form that had been altered to make it look like they were doing so within the legal deadline, hoping a judge would later allow the votes.

That attempt to add Democratic votes, which critics say is possible election fraud, was reported Thursday morning by Ana Ceballos of the Naples Daily News, who notes the scheme has already been reported to federal prosecutors.

Report: Florida Democrats Urged Voters to Submit Absentee Ballots After Election Day Using Altered Forms | Breitbart

I read the entire original news report that was the source of this claim, did you?

Or did you just read the cherry picked, out of context part from Breitbart?

See, this is very typical of the right wing blogosphere, and unfortunately the place from which Trump and his minions get their "news."

What happened is that there is a form for authenticating your mailed in or absentee ballot. Where one of these "signatures don't match" deals, you have a certain amount of time to do an affidavit so as to "cure" the match problem. A federal judge extended that time because the deadline for curing the match problem hilariously came before the deadline to submit the ballot.

So, Dem officials emailed it out and told their folks, hey, make sure that people that have this problem get the affidavit in, and they put the original date by which the affidavit had to be submitted into the form.

The complaint is that the instruction was not clear and so some people might have been confused and thought they could register a vote by that deadline, not simply cure the signature mismatch.

So, first of all, the characterization that Dem officials were out there trying to get people to turn in late ballots using a fabricated form is just flat out a lie. Its a proper form, used for a particular purpose, and the concern is some people might have been confused by it, not that that there is an intentional effort to organize people to use the form the wrong way.

Second, you'd have to be pretty out there to think this means you can vote after the election. And of course it would not correlate to a previously case vote, and so would not count anyway if checked.

This article is a prime example of the right in general, and Breitbart in particular, intentionally mischaracterizing facts and distorting the actual facts with a headline that they know will get clicks form their folllowers and where they know those same followers will not bother to investigate or read the source material and on top of that will often just re-post it, disregarding the actual facts.

I really do see this as a frequently employed tacic of Breitbart, or Drudge oir whover. Re-package it and change the headline to be worse than it really is. Its a shame, because it misleads people and perpetuates their ignorance of the facts, and their desire to actually learn the real facts.
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This is what I found on this. *don't like using a generic noun twice but too lazy to fix* Judge rules some absentee ballots must be counted in Georgia gubernatorial election
"Jones ruled that each county's certified vote tally must include absentee ballots on which the voter's date of birth is missing or incorrect, an order that stems from a request in a lawsuit filed by the Abrams campaign over the weekend. However, Jones declined Democratic requests to extend the period during which evidence could be submitted to prove the eligibility of voters who cast provisional ballots. He also declined to order that provisional ballots cast by voters who went to a precinct in the wrong county be counted. "

How in the blue eff do you not know your birthday?
If I remember correctly the Left pushed for a thorough investigation of that accusation. No one on the Right is calling for an investigation of fraud because they know none will be found. Without an investigation the Right can just keep talking about it.

I welcome a complete and thorough investigation by the DOJ into voter fraud nationwide.

You welcome that investigation? Why?

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