During this whole Sousa thing, I got the impression that the band was not as well thought of as I thought. For the most part, over my almost 50 years of being a Vol fan, I've always felt the Pride of the Southland Band was among what was great about Tennessee football tradition and still do. For me, there is nothing like the circle drill. I can't remember which band it was last year -- South Carolina -- but they were horrible. Then the POSB took the field and their precision in the way they were lined up was like an Olympic champion following a novice.
I do recognize all the stuff that has been going on with the loud playing music and there are times that I appreciate it loud and blaring. I haven't forgotten that I grew up in the 60s/70s when music was played loud enough to damage your eardrums. Still doesn't bother me. Mostly, the times when the stadium music is obnoxiously loud is when we are reeling because of some touchdown play or long play by the opposition and their fans and band are louder than the POSB with the crowd being relatively quiet. That is the time that I appreciate it being over the top -- no matter what type of music it is -- as a way to drown out the opposition. Hopefully, we are approach a period in Tennessee football again where that will not be necessary very often.
At the same time, I am one of those people who can't get enough of Rocky Top and the traditional songs that the band plays. I even like the recent fascination with with Livin' a Prayer. For some reason that song fired up the students a few years back when my daughter was a student at UT.
I do hope the band takes a direction to play more current selections in addition to Rocky Top and other traditional favorites like Down The Field. I'm not sure what the band members themselves feel, and I would appreciate their opinion on this, but anything that is fun for them to play and ignites the student fan base is fine with me as long as we continue to Rocky Top the opposition into distraction. I haven't met one fan from one of our opponents who actually likes Rocky Top. That just makes it my favorite song of all time!