Oh wait, now I remember, we have muslims to thank for a much improved airport security system and reason enough to create a federal Homeland Security Department of dubious merit, especially under a regime that considers it's citizens who promote traditional american values as potential terrorists.
The White House has released a list of some of the guests expected to attend the Ramadan dinner hosted by President Obama.
Cabinet members, members of Congress, ambassadors from around the world and many members of the Muslim community were expected to attend.
Secretary Robert Gates, Department of Defense
Attorney General Eric Holder, Department of Justice
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services
Deputy Secretary Dennis Hightower, Department of Commerce
Deputy Secretary Adam Miller, Department of Education
Congressman Andre Carson (Indiana 7th) (a muslim)
Congressman John Conyers (Michigan 14th)
Congressman Keith Ellison (Minnesota 5th) (a muslim)
Congressman Rush Holt (New Jersey 12th)
Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) (a rino)
Ambassador Prince Zeid Raad Zeid Al Hussein, Jordan
Ambassador Adel A.M. Al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia
Ambassador Husain Haqqani, Pakistan
Ambassador Erlan A. Idrissov, Kazakhstan
Ambassador His Excellency Said Tayeb Jawad, Afghanistan ('is excellency?' What are we creating in Afghanistan?)
Ambassador Aziz Mekouar, Morocco
Ambassador Peter N.R.O. Ogego, Kenya (another of Barry's close pals)
Ambassador Roble Olhaye, Djibouti
Ambassador Michael Oren, Israel
Ambassador Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat, Indonesia
Ambassador Klaus Scharioth, Germany
Ambassador Meera Shankar, India
Ambassador Nabi Sensoy, Turkey
Ambassador Sir Nigel Elton Sheinwald, United Kingdom
Ambassador Sameh Hassan Shoukry, Egypt
Ambassador Samir Shakir Mahmood Sumaidaie, Iraq
Ambassador Pierre Nicolas Vimont, France
Chargé dAffaires Sheikh Mohammed Belal, Bangladesh
Chargé dAffaires Ilango Karuppanan, Malaysia
Chargé dAffaires Mohamed O Maiga,
Chargé dAffaires Angela Oi Foong Shim, Brunei
Chargé dAffaires Baba Gana Wakil, Nigeria
Mr. Maen Areikat, Chief of Mission, PLO (remember when they assassinated in a most brutal way two of our diplomats in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Sudan under the direct order of Yasser Arafat, the head of the PLO?)
Ms. Bilquis Abdul-Qaadir, University of Memphis
Professor Azizah Al-Hibri, University of Richmond School of Law
Ms. Reema Ali, Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights (I suppose she is opposed to islamic sharia law which discriminates against women?? A woman who accuses a rapist must produce seven witnesses to corroberate her story, geez, any seven witnesses would probably be co-rapists. Guess not.)
Mr. Hasan Chandoo, Oppenheimer & Co.
Rabbi Nathan Diament, Director, Institute for Public Affairs, Orthodox Union* (last year Obama met with Jewish leaders in Harrisbug, PA. to get support in his presidential campaign but that was in a basement away from public view, what does the Bible say about being wary of those who claim to be Jewish but are not?)
Imam Plemon El-Amin, Atlanta Masjid al-Islam
Mr. Wahid Hamid, PepsiCo
Ms. Dina Hammad
Mr. Lutfi Hassan
Ms. Nashala Hearn
Ms. Rosalind Hearn
Imam Yahya Hendi, Chaplain, Georgetown University
Pastor Joel Hunter, Northland Church*
Mr. Nooman Husain
Mr. Imad Hussain
Mr. Sanford Ibrahim, CEO, Radian Group
Mr. Jameel Jaffer, Staff Attorney, ACLU (at least they are consistant, they would be crying wolf if any Christian get together were held in the WH and are adhering to their basic principle; "peace will come when there is no resistance to socialism.")
Mrs. Elsheba Khan
Dr. Mansur Khan, UMMA Community Clinic
Ms. Farhana Khera, Muslim Advocates
Lt. Commander Abuhena Saifulislam, U.S. Marine Corps
Mr. Kareem Salama
Imam Yusuf Saleem, Masjid Muhammad
Dr. Ingrid Mattson, President, Islamic Society of North America (need I remind you of the radical literature of ISNA?)
Mr. Farooq Mitha
Ms. Dalia Mogahed, Director, Gallup Center for Muslim Studies*
Ms. Hutham Olayan, Olayan America Corp.
Mr. Eboo Patel, Interfaith Youth Corps*
Imam Yusuf Saleem, Masjid Muhammad
Rabbi David Saperstein, Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism*
Ms. Mina Trudeau, Executive Director, El Fatiha Foundation
Mr. J. Saleh Williams, Congressional Muslim Staffers Association
Mr. Mohamed Zakariya, Zakariya Calligraphy
How's this for calligraphy?