1. leg bends in a place that it normally doesn't bend, and it bends a LOT
2. 6 inches of bone sticks out
It's not something that you can scrub out of your brain afterwards.
BUT it's way, way better to have a break like this, in this location away from joints, than to have it down in the ankle or up at the knee. They've already put a rod in his tibia, and the bones will grow back together. There shouldn't be any tendon or ligament damage, and that's what causes the long-term problems.
This should heal up fine, and with luck, there won't be any significant long-term damage other than an unfortunate ability to predict changes in weather. (ouch on healed fractures when it comes to changes in barometric pressure)
I still think the most amazing and admirable thing about all this is that he was hollering at his team to keep playing and win the damn thing. I don't like Louisville, but thumbs up for how they handled this.