Prayers for the victim

What a sorry cock he is! :no:
damn, it's only may.

Was kinda thinking the same thing.

I'll tell you what. Do Tennessee fans (including myself) live on the past a bit much at times. Sure. Atleast we have a history. As does Bama, LSU, UF, UGA, etc... Hell even Ole Miss and Arkansas have some history. But to have NEVER won ANYTHING, South Carolina fans are some of the cockiest sumbeeches I've encountered in all my days.

No pun intended
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WTF? The guy who did that has to be completely off his rocker. Check and see if he's poisoned any trees over at Clemson.
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This cock needs to be zipped back up in the straight jacket for a few more years. We can't have wild cocks just poking around people's private possessions and not expect mistakes to happen.
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Not cool! Don't mess with a man's car.

I've heard several different things can get spray paint off a car. Not sure which one works the best without destroying your clear coat though.
Nail Polish Remover
Lacquer Thinner

VN Store
