Prayers for the victim

dick move IMO, JMO, TIFWIW

That's it. I'm going bat s*** crazy here in Columbia. Everybody watch the news. It's going down. No one f**** with the Vols
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What was this suppose to prove? This individual seriously couldn't find another way to express his anger? It's been almost 8 freakin months, and they won the game! JFC...
Having lived in Charleston for years (now back in East TN) I have alot of USC fans as friends and I can tell you that they are some of the most respectful out there.

This is one idiot and I'm sure a minority.
My first to choices of how really did this:

1) Alabummer fan
2) Vandiebuilt fan

I think they are just posing as USCjr fan.......

I would expect such behavior from the top two listed though. One out of complete stupidity (bummer) the other out of complete *****assness and spoiled bratness (vandiebuilt)
The punk gamecocks make the punk gators look like angels. It has been tough living around them the last few years.

I lived in Sumter for 2 years. I would have to agree. What's so sad about it is that they actually think they are one of the great teams of the SEC.

They proudly call themselves Cocks. Their daughters and wives wear little cheerleader shorts with that wrote across the backend.... It's really sad.
Having lived in Charleston for years (now back in East TN) I have alot of USC fans as friends and I can tell you that they are some of the most respectful out there.

This is one idiot and I'm sure a minority.

I live in Columbia and I agree
Was kinda thinking the same thing.

I'll tell you what. Do Tennessee fans (including myself) live on the past a bit much at times. Sure. Atleast we have a history. As does Bama, LSU, UF, UGA, etc... Hell even Ole Miss and Arkansas have some history. But to have NEVER won ANYTHING, South Carolina fans are some of the cockiest sumbeeches I've encountered in all my days.

No pun intended

Just wait to the old ball coach retires, the cocks will be hanging low in usc, just a matter of time. They will go back to the bottom for the next 20 years with the kitty kitty and the dores where they belong.
Can't say if I were hammered and a Florida fan started talking crap that I wouldn't do something similar...
where's Darthvisor?

Maybe this guy knows. Picked up near the scene of the crime

I live in Columbia and I agree

I usually have a great time talking with SC fans as well. They reserve their ire for Clemson but even then I'd never expect a typical fan to do anything like this.

That said, some people are just mean spirited and/or crazy and it has nothing to do with football. The fact that he did this in the off-season speaks volumes about him just being a plain nutter. We don't even have a heated rivalry with them filled with bad blood on both sides that could partially explain things but not justify them. He's just a mean-spirited jerk.

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