Pre-Weekend Speech

If Tony asked you to come give a pre-weekend speech to the team, what would be your talking points?
-Don’t think, just react
-Control what you can control
-Get ahead, stay ahead
-Pick your teammates up whenever adversity strikes
-Last but not least, have fun playing this great game and live in the moment
Focus on making good baseball plays. Moments and stress are only built up in your head. There is always a correct base to throw to, pitch to swing at/not swing at, base to take/not take, etc.

Play the game the right way, trust in the coaches scouting reports, and execute pitches and good ABs.
"We have yet to play our best game! We have yet to combine pitching and hitting. Men, this is a tournament sport. It starts at 6pm Friday night. They don't think we are any good. They think we have underachieved. They think they (Clemson) are hosting Auburn next week! They think their orange is better than OUR ORANGE!!! Let's show them that we are STILL TENNESSEE BASEBALL! We don't watch 3rd strikes! Don't make the next out! Men, today is our Independence DAY !!!!!!!!! (May have stolen that last line from a movie.)

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Just play, guys. Just play.

Don't worry about the umps, the weather, or some chirpy bench anchor in the other dugout.

Yall can beat anybody and everybody. Don't worry about balls and strikes, a little mistake, or what someone else is doing.

Just play.
Remember little league? How fun was it to be at the ballpark? All your buddies around, having a good time, playing a child's game. You didn't have a care in the world except maybe post game snacks, ice cream with grandma and grandpa, or what video game you were going to play when you got home. That's what this is supposed to be like. We aren't here to solve the world's' problems, cure disease, or prevent famine. We are here to play a game. So take a deep breath, let loose, and have fun. You've earned the right to be here. This team is good enough to beat anyone here. You've proven it many times this season. Get in there and go down swinging. These coaches have your back, the fans have your back, now focus on doing your job, playing your game, and most of all have each other's back.

I don't really know who the leaders are in the dugout, but I know who the guys are that have been there for a while. I would call the upperclassman over individually and charge them with being the leaders in the dugout and tell them this:

Lift each other up, be vocal, encourage, mentor, but most of all love. It's the love of the game that got you here and it's the love of your teammates that will get you deep into this tournament. If you don't love this game and the guys you're playing it with, then you aren't going to make it very far on talent alone. Every team left is talented. You separate yourselves by working together on every single play. When someone makes a play, good or bad, be the first one there. Keep the vibe alive and believe in your guys. Make them know you have their back no matter what happens.
Men no matter what happens on that field today I am proud of you. It just a game play have fun and win or lose you will always be winners to me. Now let's go and kick Charlotte and the rest of these teams ass let's gooooooooo
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since I am no motivational speaker here are my points
- the season was not what the fans expected
- you came in 7th in the SEC
- in the SEC tournament you let a team that did not even finish 500 in league play make you look like @^*(^%$#
- this team was placed in the Clemson regional which means that you are considered about the 35-40 best team in the country.
- was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me?
since I am no motivational speaker here are my points
- the season was not what the fans expected
- you came in 7th in the SEC
- in the SEC tournament you let a team that did not even finish 500 in league play make you look like @^*(^%$#
- this team was placed in the Clemson regional which means that you are considered about the 35-40 best team in the country.
- was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me?
You are correct. You’re certainly not a motivational speaker. Lol.
Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Might need to check that history but also they would have no clue about Pearl Harbor. Was going good til then.

He was making an Animal House reference and, I believe, a Major League II reference from the character Rube Baker.

I think this quote by Rube might be better for us:

"I'll be damned if I'm gonna act like my best pig died just cuz we ain't doin' so good. I love to play baseball and I'll bet, somewhere along the line, you all did too." - Rube Baker, Major League II

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