President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

We’re already screwed. We’re just enjoying watching Russia go down in flames from their own stupidity too.

Ukraine is just unfortunate enough to have the enemy next door instead of a couple of big oceans for needed isolation and protection. Of, course, we have that big porous southern border available to supply anybody here with ill will and malice towards us.
Ukraine is just unfortunate enough to have the enemy next door instead of a couple of big oceans for needed isolation and protection. Of, course, we have that big porous southern border available to supply anybody here with ill will and malice towards us.
Just like every dominant civilization before us we will tear ourselves apart from within. The border, Ukraine, Taiwan… they’re all distractions so the people don’t see the local rot going on predominantly in DC.
Yeah, we do have plenty of security issues right here - including the electronics Taiwan makes and we don't. We could have let Taiwan, China, and other places wither on the vine, but we chose globalism instead.
So? That was our fault for outsourcing a critical industry. Instead of choosing war, use that same energy and money that would have gone to military spending to boost our own economy. I mean, it really isn't that hard, folks. We were self-sufficient at one time.
Ukraine is just unfortunate enough to have the enemy next door instead of a couple of big oceans for needed isolation and protection. Of, course, we have that big porous southern border available to supply anybody here with ill will and malice towards us.
And we were blessed with that yet still find ourselves in these entanglements all across the Old World.

And whenever I say the very same thing you are pointing out, I always get the Chicken Littles talking about, "The Founders didn't live in todays era of high speed travel". Like that makes a damn bit of difference. Don't start none, won't be none. Leave other people alone and mind our own business... we have plenty of our own business right now to be concerned about outside of Europe and Asia.
Just like every dominant civilization before us we will tear ourselves apart from within. The border, Ukraine, Taiwan… they’re all distractions so the people don’t see the local rot going on predominantly in DC.

Hypothetical..kinda reality

Who is worse off:

US: No CCP trade or goods from Taiwan
Russia: Aligned with the CCP

Remember, the man (or nation) with little to lose is far better than the nation with a lot to lose. We see it on our city streets and politics daily.
I have a feeling that todays younger workforce is about to get bitch slapped on working for survival, not extraneous living.
Hypothetical..kinda reality

Who is worse off:

US: No CCP trade or goods from Taiwan
Russia: Aligned with the CCP

Remember, the man (or nation) with little to lose is far better than the nation with a lot to lose. We see it on our city streets and politics daily.
I have a feeling that todays younger workforce is about to get bitch slapped on working for survival, not extraneous living.
We haven’t known real hardship or fear as a nation since the 1940’s. That was two full generations ago. We’re Charmin soft I fear.
And we were blessed with that yet still find ourselves in these entanglements all across the Old World.

And whenever I say the very same thing you are pointing out, I always get the Chicken Littles talking about, "The Founders didn't live in todays era of high speed travel". Like that makes a damn bit of difference. Don't start none, won't be none. Leave other people alone and mind our own business... we have plenty of our own business right now to be concerned about outside of Europe and Asia.

It's a nice thought, but way too simple. Whether you like it or not we are a global power, and it seems our lot in the world to balance a couple of other powers. That doesn't mean we have to stick our nose in everything that goes on, but we can't bury our head in the sand and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist. You may not think our participation in WW2 was necessary - the big oceans after all, but they aren't that big today even if they haven't shrunk. If the Axis powers had won WW2, it would be easy to see them expanding into S America and moving north - who would have been left to stop that?
It's a nice thought, but way too simple. Whether you like it or not we are a global power, and it seems our lot in the world to balance a couple of other powers. That doesn't mean we have to stick our nose in everything that goes on, but we can't bury our head in the sand and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist. You may not think our participation in WW2 was necessary - the big oceans after all, but they aren't that big today even if they haven't shrunk. If the Axis powers had won WW2, it would be easy to see them expanding into S America and moving north - who would have been left to stop that?

Germany would of overextended her logistics lines and power projection. They would of withered on the vine just from insurrectionist warfare
Hence Pax Americana was born as the afterchild of the Monroe Doctrine.
Elaborating on my earlier post, the monkeypox fear mongering is starting. The media is even using old photos to cause a disturbance in the sheep. The deep state fraudulently gained control of the government in 2020 using mail-in ballots. We're looking at pieces being moved into place to repeat in 2022. Conspiracy theory of course but I would bet on it (if I were a betting man).
So? That was our fault for outsourcing a critical industry. Instead of choosing war, use that same energy and money that would have gone to military spending to boost our own economy. I mean, it really isn't that hard, folks. We were self-sufficient at one time.

It felt better to help build China into a power using that slave labor on the cheap.
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