There is no way the initial report will be anywhere close to positive, the final report will just be semantics. If anything a finalized worse report going into October will only hurt the democrats more heading towards election day.Ordinarily, I would expect the administration to lie when they release the initial Q2 GDP figure in July, showing a tiny increase in GDP so they don't admit that we're in a recession. However, kicking that can down the road until late September would be even worse for the Democrats since it would be right before the election.
1.5 years in and they already having to answer these questions. Getting a pulse to see how Hillary/Newsome will do amongst the Republican potential candidates before more pressure is put on Biden not seeking. His health will be the reason he won’t seek re-election.They can't even get their stories straight. Monday:
“Joe Biden is running for reelection, and I will be his ticket mate,” Harris said Monday. “Full stop.”
“The president intends to run and if he does, I will be his ticket mate. We will run together,” Harris told a Times reporter as she prepared to depart for California aboard Air Force Two.
Vice President Harris creates new uncertainty about Biden's plans for reelection
Not woke enough. It will be a great day when the Union statues get pulled down, and bases named for Union generals are changed. Nothing about history is safe with this generation of woke fools running loose.
Did y'all see the G7 bold commitment to developing a "reverse cartel" to combat energy prices by demanding lower oil prices?
We are led by the stupidest people on the planet.
However it is done, OPEC should have been demolished decades ago - same with all cartels. Commodity markets need to be reined in, too; there was an initial purpose that been completely distorted over the years.
oof - he's almost completely reversed his #s - highest net positive was 20.3. Now his net negative is at 19.5.
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15 months.oof - he's almost completely reversed his #s - highest net positive was 20.3. Now his net negative is at 19.5.
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