President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

I figured with the discussion about the current POTUS who has never met a decision he hasn't gotten wrong that I would remind everyone of what a winner looks like in the board room, with Melania, as a father and in the White House.

This is the first installment of my series: TRUMP WAS RIGHT! (in my echoing bellowing voice)

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Joe, lemme introduce you to VN. Not only do they disagree with you, but they celebrate those smart enough to dodge our tax laws.

the carried interest loophole correction is not in the Democrats plan. Joe's example is based in the carried interest loophole. Someone should tell Joe what he's blathering about.

Opinion | Democrats Blink on Carried Interest

Yet when Democrats have power, they never seem to kill the provision. And, lo, the draft Ways and Means bill merely extends the holding period to five years from three. Faced with offending some of their wealthiest financiers, the Democrats are blinking. That’s fine with us as a policy matter, but this ought to be the last we ever hear about this as a loophole.
'The situation is out of control': Drone footage shows 8,000 illegal migrants waiting to be processed under Del Rio bridge - DOUBLE the number that arrived yesterday

  • Some 8,200 migrants seen under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas on Thursday
  • The migrants, most of whom were from earthquake-ravaged HAITI, were waiting to be processed
  • Earlier this week, it was reported more than 200,000 migrants again crossed the US-Mexico border in August
Border officials said the situation along the US-Mexico frontier is ‘out of control’ after dramatic drone footage showed more than 8,000 migrants - most of them from Haiti - waiting under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas for processing.

The large group of migrants is double the amount from just the previous day, according to Fox News.

Haiti is in the midst of a humanitarian crisis after a magnitude 7.2 earthquake on August 14, which killed more than 2,200 people and damaged or destroyed more than 100,000 homes.




The U.S. Coast Guard stopped a 35-foot boat with 104 Haitian migrants after the vessel was spotted in Florida waters on Sunday

Shocking drone footage shows 8,000 illegal migrants waiting under Texas bridge | Daily Mail Online
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I figured with the discussion about the current POTUS who has never met a decision he hasn't gotten wrong that I would remind everyone of what a winner looks like in the board room, with Melania, as a father and in the White House.

This is the first installment of my series: TRUMP WAS RIGHT! (in my echoing bellowing voice)

A stand alone TRUMP WAS RIGHT thread would already be 1000 pages.
Crazy Joe Freaking Biden is quickly turning America into a 3rd World SH!T hole.
Along with all of the people that did live in countries below Mexico coming here to stay ... that Crazy Idiot known as POTUS Joe Biden is bringing all, if possible, of Afghanistan's population to America to be called HOME. To live off of the American taxpayers & get free medical benefits.
These foreigners don't need the vaccine shot either .... just come on in & infect the whole country with your diseases. Feel free to live where the bus drops you off. Thanks, Crazy Joe.
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Crazy Joe Freaking Biden is quickly turning America into a 3rd World SH!T hole.
Along with all of those people that live in countries below Mexico ... That Crazy Idiot known as POTUS Joe Biden is bring all of Afghanistan's population to America to be called HOME.
These foreigners don't need the vaccine shot either .... just come on in & infect the whole country with your diseases. Thanks, Crazy Joe.

When dems crow about republican presidents spending, it's driven by dem stupidity while they held the WH. They do the same crap time after time ... screw up the military and add the "entitlements" that the next guy has to cover - in this case adding refugees to the welfare rolls. The thing is the dems have put so many things in place that spending has to go up just to cover them going forward because the "entitled" keep multiplying; and worse, like obamaCare, they are so twisted and entangled it's virtually impossible to undo them without committing political suicide.

Illegal immigration is a lot like paying people not to work covid style; we know how that works out. As long as illegals will work the cheap jobs, citizens won't. Somebody has to support those who won't work, and it's no mystery who finds the need for more entitlements, and who foots the bill.
When dems crow about republican presidents spending, it's driven by dem stupidity while they held the WH. They do the same crap time after time ... screw up the military and add the "entitlements" that the next guy has to cover - in this case adding refugees to the welfare rolls. The thing is the dems have put so many things in place that spending has to go up just to cover them going forward because the "entitled" keep multiplying; and worse, like obamaCare, they are so twisted and entangled it's virtually impossible to undo them without committing political suicide.

Illegal immigration is a lot like paying people not to work covid style; we know how that works out. As long as illegals will work the cheap jobs, citizens won't. Somebody has to support those who won't work, and it's no mystery who finds the need for more entitlements, and who foots the bill.

The ordinary american citizen has no voice in this matter. It's being forced by a dictator.
Biden doesn't go through Congress to get anything done or voted on. The things he does is rammed down the citizens of america's throat .... like it or not. That's called being a dictator. I believe there's another civil war coming soon .... americans can't & won't take this idiot dictator's rule much longer.
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The ordinary american citizen has no voice in this matter. It's being forced by a dictator.
Biden doesn't go through Congress to get anything done or voted on. The things he does is rammed down the citizens of america's throat .... like it or not. That's called being a dictator. I believe there's another civil war coming soon .... americans can't & won't take this idiot dictator's rule much longer.

History has taught us that the only way to stop leftist commies is through physical means.

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