President Obama picks UT over SDSU

He just wanted OBGYNs to be able to share their "love" with women across the country. He also wanted to know that our children "is" learning. A genius that man.

Greatest President ever.

So technologically advanced that he used "the google" to look up maps. He also was intelligent enough to know "families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."
This guy is a savant, he has to be a member of MENSA. "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
He's made moves towards clean energy, removed the ban on stem-cell research, passed a much needed stimulus bill, stocks are slowly recovering, unemployment has improved every month, and he's currently working on passing much needed health reform.

Sounds like hes has and is working on fulfilling campaign promises. With anything, Americans expect immediate results - but that's just not realistic. He's trying, and the alternative that was John McCain would have us at war with Korea and Iran by now.

Greatest President ever.

So technologically advanced that he used "the google" to look up maps. He also was intelligent enough to know "families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."

Classic. I hadn't even seen the wings take dream quote.
This guy is a savant, he has to be a member of MENSA. "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

i feel that's a movie quote. is it?
Possibly to the bolded phrase. Laughter following the italicized phrase. Please tell me that was a joke. The only thing he has done is delve us deeper in the black hole of debt.

you are aware that when you quote a post everything is in italics right?
He's made moves towards clean energy, removed the ban on stem-cell research, passed a much needed stimulus bill, stocks are slowly recovering, unemployment has improved every month, and he's currently working on passing much needed health reform.

Sounds like hes has and is working on fulfilling campaign promises. With anything, Americans expect immediate results - but that's just not realistic. He's trying, and the alternative that was John McCain would have us at war with Korea and Iran by now.

A few good points in there, I'm proud. The health care reform is coming at a bad time however. It will seriously deplete this country's funds. Our national debt is absolutely incredible and the last thing we need is for more, lotsssssss more to be piled on. About the war with Korea and Iran. It's inevitable. It really is. You may try to rationalize it, but with the weapons all three countries possess, a big bang is in our future. I'd rather go on the offensive than lay back and let countries run over us. While I am in no way supporting an attack, I do want to defend my nation. At any time a nuclear attack could come across either ocean. President Obama does not have the gumption, or quite frankly the balls, to make a decision of this magnitude. While I do not want a president who seeks out a war, I also do not want one who will not protect this country's best interests.
A few good points in there, I'm proud. The health care reform is coming at a bad time however. It will seriously deplete this country's funds. Our national debt is absolutely incredible and the last thing we need is for more, lotsssssss more to be piled on. About the war with Korea and Iran. It's inevitable. It really is. You may try to rationalize it, but with the weapons all three countries possess, a big bang is in our future. I'd rather go on the offensive than lay back and let countries run over us. While I am in no way supporting an attack, I do want to defend my nation. At any time a nuclear attack could come across either ocean. President Obama does not have the gumption, or quite frankly the balls, to make a decision of this magnitude. While I do not want a president who seeks out a war, I also do not want one who will not protect this country's best interests.

Keynesian Economics

Look it up.
He just wanted OBGYNs to be able to share their "love" with women across the country. He also wanted to know that our children "is" learning. A genius that man.

as opposed to our current pres who has been to all of our 57 states and sees dead vets during his speeches? Yeah we really improved
Anyone hear his plug about "Maybe Frank Martin could scare Congress into passing the healthcare bill"? pathetic...
Post-war economic expansion - 'Golden Age of Capitalism', and the New Deal among other periods.

Is that the same country you see on the History channel, where the men go out with a home made spear every afternoon looking for supper?
Post-war economic expansion - 'Golden Age of Capitalism', and the New Deal among other periods.

The New Deal actually did not help the country as much as is usually insinuated. Banking reforms, the Glass-Steagle Act in particular, and the National Industries Recoveries Act are what helped stabilize the economy. Combine that with the production efforts in WWII and that is what brought the depression to a close. The New Deal was all about deficit spending. Throwing around money that was worthless. The one good thing that can be said about it, is the unemployed found work and some projects were completed.
Barry can't even spell 'Syracuse'.

“Should be an R in there,” ESPN's Andy Katz corrected Obama upon spotting how the President had misspelled “Syracuse” as “Sycacuse.”


This particularly odiferous to me since I earned a major at Syracuse U.


A thinker, Obozo is not.
Post-war economic expansion - 'Golden Age of Capitalism', and the New Deal among other periods.

the new deal was the single worst piece of legistlature ever passed in this country. why do you think we are trillions in debt?

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